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Doom kommt auf die Leinwand

JC 17.08.2004 - 10:14 10299 105 Thread rating


Registered: Dec 2000
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Doom ohne Hölle != Doom

Kommt nicht in die Tüte, eher in die Tonne :(

Da wär die Neuverfilmung von Resident Evil mit leicht modifizierter Kulisse und aus der Ego-Perspektive künstlerisch wertvoller, könnt ma vielleicht ab und an in den Ausschnitt von der Jovovoich linsen o_O

The Red Guy

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Zitat von JC
Und weiter geht's:



Klingt ausserdem öde. Es muss Hölle her und es können nicht 8 Marines sein, das darf nur einer sein, der sich einsam durchschlägt. Verdammt, warum ist ID so dämlich und genehmigt so einen sh*t.


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Geh schleichts eich...


Registered: Feb 2003
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hui, das kann ja was werden....


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Zitat von The Red Guy

Klingt ausserdem öde. Es muss Hölle her und es können nicht 8 Marines sein, das darf nur einer sein, der sich einsam durchschlägt. Verdammt, warum ist ID so dämlich und genehmigt so einen sh*t.

man kann keinen brauchbaren film machen, wo sich ein mann allein durchschlägt und mit keinem reden kann, das wär erst uninteressant - keine dialoge, kein gar nix ;)

ich hoff immer noch auf ein aliens2 + event horizont - geplänkel :)

cool wäre doch so ein army of darkness ableger mitm bruce champbell - der hat wenigstens style :p
Bearbeitet von fleshmark am 06.12.2004, 16:36


My Little Pwny
Registered: Jan 2002
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Zitat von Hermander
resident evil
far cry

was wird noch kommen?! :bash:
Was hast dagegen? Außerdem fehlt zumindest Tomb Raider in deiner Liste, außerdem ist AvP auf Basis des Comics gemacht worden.

Ich will endlich an Battletech Film :D


OC Addicted
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oh wie konnte ich nur diese meilensteine der filmgeschichte vergessen :D

Tomb Raider 1 & 2 :p


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[...]The story follows eight marines, teleported into a command centre of a secret base on a remote planet. There, they learn that something strange is happening and soon monsters start to appear. The monsters aren't from hell, but rather people mutated by some nasty super-virus although the monsters look very similar to those in the game.

One character is a technician called "Pinky" who has a cybernetic wheelchair thanks to a bad teleporting accident. Pinky later mutates into something remotely resembling a creature from Doom 3. Producers claim that the film will be more of a horror than an action shooter.[...]


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Laut der britischen Zeitung The Inquirer, hat der Doom Film eigentlich nicht viel mit dem Spiel gemeinsam.
So soll der Drehbuchautor Dave Callaham, einige Änderungen vorgenommen haben. Der Film spielt nicht auf dem Mars. Auch wird es keine Space Marines geben, sondern Swat Einheiten. Ebenso wird es keine Monster aus der Hölle geben sonder Mutierte Monster alla Resident Evil.


i never asked for this
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ma wenn ich schon lese "einige änderungen" griag i an hass. :mad:
außerdem so wie sich das ließt is es e ein resident evil3... :rolleyes:


aka Fas7play
Registered: Sep 2002
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schade... das da nichts so bleibt wie es ist. aber natürlich auch logisch... man kann _einen_ schauspieler nicht eine ganze mondbasis ausrotten lassen, nur warum sie nicht bei dem satans kult bleiben ist fraglich, weil filme mit mutanten die aus einem virus/unfall hervorgehen kennen wir ja zu hauf.

bei resident evil ist der film nahe an das spiel gekommen. fand ihn sehr toll, avp war auch nicht sooo schlecht, gibt aber besseres.


Registered: Feb 2001
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Hier gibt's einen offenen Brief vom Drehbuchautor Dave Callaham an die Doom3-Community.
[quote]Dear Doom Fans:

Sometime in the last week or two, there was quite an uproar over a quote I allegedly made regarding my bravado in completely disfiguring the plot of the Doom games when I went about writing the screenplay for the film. First and foremost, allow me to state that I never made that quote. The reporting news source reported that I made that quote during an open press visit to the Doom set in Prague, during a week in which I was in fact in Los Angeles. Additionally, I want to add that I would never under any circumstances address either the press or the Doom fans with anything resembling the snide elitism that I perceive that quote to connote. In these regards, I consider the journalism involved to be nothing less than shoddy and irresponsible.

That said.

The screenplay I wrote DOES differ in a number of ways from the games. I want to be very honest and forthcoming in saying that, and I know that I won't make any friends amongst the fans of the game in doing so. But it should be mentioned that it was never the goal of anyone involved in this film, from myself and the producers to the studio to the guys at id, to make a direct film adaptation of the game(s). The thought process has always been to create an extension of the Doom universe that will give fans an interesting new take on the themes that they've come to enjoy in the game. Because let's be honest here: as far as a completely immersive and cinematic experience, we were never going to top Doom 3 anyway, and we all knew that. Instead, we have toyed with some elements of the game, and yes, I am pretty much solely responsible for that, since it was my pitch and my screenplay that got made. Let me assure you, though, that the themes and elements that you love about Doom are ALL represented strongly in the film...just with some new twists.

I've found it frustrating that I somehow became the goat for the perceived shortcomings of the film, because (and I say this with no humility whatsoever, because I'm not a humble person), that I am, without a doubt, the greatest ally the Doom fan has had during the entire process of the film being made. I am the only person involved creatively who has ever made any attempt to open discourse with the game's internet fanbase, and I am the only person involved who has continually kept the ideals of the game first and foremost in mind. I very truthfully believe that my unapologetic and hyper-violent script would have been a Doom fan's movie dream come true. However, since my involvement, the film has steadily moved away from the realm of fandom and more toward the realm of traditional Hollywood interests. It's not been ideal, in my opinion, but I did what I could when I could, and I stand by that work.

No film adaptation can ever match the expectations of the original fans, and the Doom movie will be no different. You as fans each have your own perfect version of the Doom film already shot in your head, and those versions aren't always what the guy next to you would want to see in the same movie (someone out there on doomworld.com sure loved the idea of Howie Long as Doomguy -- which is perfect aesthetically, but let's face it, totally absurd if you want this movie to come out in theatres). I myself have a perfect version of the Doom movie all played out in my head--I even wrote it down--and it's not getting made either. And I'm not always real happy about it, but I do understand that that is the nature of the Hollywood machine. The bottom line is there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of good people working their asses off on this movie right now, and you, just like me, have to trust them to do the best job they can. I don't enjoy watching a bunch of strangers bastardize my baby any more than you do, but really none of us can do anything about it at this point, so I hope that at least some of you will fret, with me, in the direction of optimism. We all have high expectations, and a lot of them won't be met, but the bottom line is the movie is going to be pretty cool.

Finally, to the fan that suggested I get an enema (ostensibly to clean out my head, I think): That was awesome.


Registered: Aug 2000
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arg - keine mars-basis, keine marines :(

dabei hätte sowas extra nice zur stimmung beigetragen in eine fremde welt einzutauchen, theoretisch hättens damit die möglichkeit jegliche fantasien auszuleben, die ihnen einfällt.
ohne böse mächte, kreaturen aus der hölle wird man dadurch sehr eingeschränkt.
mutierte kreaturen, die rumlaufen und swats(!) jagen klingt irgendwie uninteressant - sowas haben wir wirklich schon oft gehabt.

dadurch geht der traum von einem event-horizont-doom dahin.

btw: swats! wah :mad:


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
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Mittlerweile gibt's auch schon eine Doom Movie Online Petition:
According to this article, the screenplay writer (Dave Callaham) addressed the distressed DooM public about the recent uproar. It appears that he's been checking some sites (namely doomworld.com) and has seen the negative reaction. We're not sure if DMOP has been noticed yet, however we'd like to point out that this petition is directed at the people responsible for the current direction that the movie is headed. We understand that there is a formula that Hollywood tends to follow for these types of movies and that is what we're fighting.


Here to stay
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Wien
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Zitat von JC
Mittlerweile gibt's auch schon eine Doom Movie Online Petition:

haha, gleich mitgemacht
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