Hokum 11.08.2012 - 15:30 839 1
The film is based on a 1998 Texas Monthly magazine article by Hollandsworth, "Midnight in the Garden of East Texas," that chronicles the 1996 murder of 81-year-old millionaire Marjorie Nugent in Carthage, Texas by her 39-year-old, employed close companion, Bernhardt "Bernie" Tiede. Tiede proved so highly regarded in Carthage that, in spite of having confessed to the police, the District Attorney was eventually forced to request a rare prosecutorial change of venue in order to secure a fair trial. IMDBKritiken @WikiTrailer @YTmit Jack Black. Noch nicht gesehen, hat aber sehr gute Kritiken erhalten.
ruhiger, guter film mit subtilem schwarzen humor und einer zurecht hoch gelobten leistung von jack black. mal was anderes.