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dubioser Notebookkauf? kann man dem trauen?

Viper780 26.09.2003 - 23:09 3415 38


Er ist tot, Jim!
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Wien
Posts: 50543
hab bei ebay bei am centrino book mitgesteigert (nur minimal und im unteren preis segment) dann hab ich plötzlich a mail bekommen.
lest selbst:


There are the specs:

Spezifikation im Detail:

CPU Pentium M Centrino
Taktfrequenz 1600 MHz
Cache 1024 KB
Front Side Bus 400 MHz

Hauptspeicher 512 MB
Hauptspeicher max. 2048 MB
Speichertyp DDR

Festplatte 40.0 GB
Optische Laufwerke DVD/CD-RW 8x/24x/10x/24x
Wechselbar Ja

Bildschirmdiagonale 15 "
Typ aktiv TFT
Auflösung max. 1400 x 1050
Darstellbare Farben 16.7 Mio.

IDE (P-ATA) Ultra ATA/100

Grafikkarte Typ ATI Mobility Radeon 9000
Videospeicher 64 MB

PCMCIA 1 x Type II
Docking Station Ja

Port I/O 1 Par
USB Port 4 x Typ 2.0
IEEE1394 Ja
Infrarot FIR
Wireless WLAN
Mikrofoneingang 1
Line-Out 1
Externer Monitor Ja

LAN Ethernet 10/100
Modem 56K V.92 Modem
Soundkarte SoundBlaster Pro kompatibel; MS-
Direct-Soundsystem kompatibel
Lautsprecher Ja
Mikrofon Ja

Tastatur 88 Tasten
Eingabegerät TouchPad

Betriebssysteme Windows XP Professional
Mitgelieferte Software Acer Launch Manager; Acer Notebook
Manager; NTI CD Maker; Adobe Acrobat Reader; Norton AntiVirus; PowerDVD

Batterie Li-Ionen Akku
Batterie-Betriebszeit 5.5 Stunden
DC-In Ja

Abmessungen (BxHxT) 330 x 29.5 x 272 mm
Gewicht 2.69 kg
Herstellergarantie 24 Monate
Service 24 Monate Bring-In
Lieferumfang Handbuch; Netzteil; Akku;
Integrierter SmartCard Reader; 1 x CD-RW Disk; 2 x TravelMate SmartCard
Optionen ext. USB FDD; Zusatzakku;
Zusatznetzteil; 256, 512MB DDR soDIMM-Module; I/O -Replikator
Besonderheiten 1 x SmartCard-Einschub; S-Video;
Kensington Lock

In order to end this deal in good terms i am going to tell you some
things that i want to follow:

It is better for you to know that the CENTRINO HIGHEND Acer 803lci NEU
Rg. NP is brand new in sealed factory box,never opened.It is not
refubrished,not grey market.

This is a thing about you shouldn't worry about because i belive that it
is my responasability to deliver it to your home.The shipping will be
made via FedEx International Priority Freight.

The payment will be made via Western Union cash wire transfer.Beeing our
first deal and beeing a large sum of money involved i can not require
you just to send this blindly.For your protection we´ll act like
this.Instead of sending the money directly to me which offers no
protection for you´ll send the money to a third party name,choosen by
you(a friend,a relative etc)and having UK as the destination country
so I can see that the transfer has been made corectlly.After doing that
just email me the dates of the transfer(sender/receiver name and mtcn)
to allow me to check the transfer on the Western Union website.If
everything is OK, I'll ship you the product by FedEx fully inssured next
morning.After you receive and inspect your package just call your local
Western Union agent and change the receiver's name that you have used
with my name to allow me to pick up the money!

Moreover you are in perfect control over the transaction until you
receive the package!This is actually what you want, isn't it?

For the reason that you will pay some money for the Western Union wire
transfer fee, I will cover shipping and insurance. Here are my details
that you need for money transfer:

First name: **********
Last name: **********
City :*********
Country :United Kingdom

There may be some customs duties for you to pay, but if you wish we can
avoid them : I will declare the shipping as a gift/donation and you'll
declare you send money to a friend.It is a verry important thing for
both of us to follow this mutual agreement in order to avoid to pay
further additional taxes that will apear (customs duties and import
taxes wich will be about 19 % from the sale price).I guarantee you that
i´ll respect my word on this agreement and i hope you´ll do the same.I
am a serious ebayer, with great reputation here - I had no problems till
now and my feedback shows this very clear. My intentions are to make my
sales here on ebay permanent and start a business, so any
problem/negative feedback won't do me too good. You have my personal
guarantee that you'll receive the unit as soon as I have a payment
confirmaton - no later that 2 days (as long as the shippment takes).

The package will be insured at the delivery service. If somethig happens
on the road , you will receive the insurance from the delivery service.

As soon as the package arrives, you will test the product and if it does
not matches 100% to your expectations and as I described it to be, you
will return it in max. 5 days since the arrival date and cancell the
transaction from Western Union.In this case you will send me the product
in the original box.Also,you will pay the return shipping and insurance.

I think this is 100% acceptable for you and i ám waiting for your reply
including your full name and address so that I can get the items packed
and ready to be shipped.

I look forward in completing this deal succesfuly and more in the future.

Mail me soon,

-----Original Message-----
From: "Viper780" <Viper780@gmx.at>
To: <**********>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 17:32:39 +0200
Subject: Re: Frage eines eBay-Mitglieds

> Hi this is a good price can u mail me the exact specifications of your
> book
> you sell?
> I'm from Austria (middle Europe) how much will the shipping cost?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <************>
> To: <Viper780@gmx.at>
> Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 4:40 PM
> Subject: Frage eines eBay-Mitglieds
> To member: viper780
> From member: ********
> --------------------
> Hi,
> I saw you are intrested in a CENTRINO HIGHEND Acer 803lci NEU Rg. NP
> I have a CENTRINO HIGHEND Acer 803lci NEU Rg. NP
> brand new in an unopened box with 1 year full international warranty.
> I want to sell it because I have a small business and I hope in the
> future
> to have an on-line store.I have a web page in construction and as soon
> as
> possible I want to finish it.
> This way I make money on ebay untill I have my own store.I have a good
> ratting and I sold many products in the past.
> The price is EUR 490 .I think it is the right price for the two of us.
> Thank you in advance for your understanding.
> For other questions please email me.
> Best Regards!


soll ich da zuschlagen oder ned? 490€ sand scho sehr verlockend.


Deleted User
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ich würds nicht tun - 490€ sind IMO einfach zu billig, das kann nicht sauber sein.


Future has arrived!
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: NÖ
Posts: 5722
sorry, doppelpost


Future has arrived!
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: NÖ
Posts: 5722
hm schon merkwürdig der geldtransfer usw. is ja fast wie bei so actionfilme ala Triple X, ich würds nicht machen, zu viel geld steht am spiel und am ende is vielleicht auch noch gestohlen, aber ist deine entscheidung


Er ist tot, Jim!
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Wien
Posts: 50543
tja aber des is scho sehr verlockend...
das ned sauber is is ma bei ca. 1/4 vom neupreis auch klar.

und um des geld kom i endlich zu am gscheiden TFT und verkauf meinen PC (damit hab ich wenigstens dei anschaffungskosten vom Notebook herinnen)

Der western Uninon bank transfere geht sehr schnell udn halbwegs unbürokratisch ausadem si sehr sicher hab da drauf a gute versicherung und is in der höhe ned so unüblich.

hab mit dem meiner freundin schon mal geld nach italien überwiesen da ihre bankomatkarte defekt wurde
Bearbeitet von Viper780 am 26.09.2003, 23:22


Dr. Funkenstein
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: St. Speidl / Gle..
Posts: 19777
Wenn etwas zu schön ist um war zu sein ist es das auch meist ...

Vergiss es.

Oder lerne für dein Leben, verkauf deinen PC und verschicke dein Geld.

Bis in x Jahren dann wenn du wieder genug Geld für einen PC hast ...


Here to stay
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 989
>>Beeing our first deal and beeing
hat das was mit bienen zu tun ? wenn sowas in geschäftsbedingungen steht ... und das sind 2 beispiele von 100erten (und das bei UK)
leit die mail mal an ordnungshüter weiter


Dr. Funkenstein
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: St. Speidl / Gle..
Posts: 19777
Von einem Rechtschreibfehler abschrecken lassen ist allerdings sogar mir als in solchen Dingen sehr Paranoidem etwas zu viel ...

Und google ist dein Freund ...

=> http://www.google.at/search?hl=de&a...etrug&meta=

The Red Guy

Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Transdanubia
Posts: 3121
Owned by Haba (as usual). :rolleyes:


Er ist tot, Jim!
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Wien
Posts: 50543
1. es is jo ned da nazige PC
2. wird der erst verkauft wenn i des book habe


frecher fratz
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: is where it is
Posts: 6334
ich hab bei so nem deal mal 8000ats verloren ... würd i nimma tun
aba wennst billig a gutes notebook willst (von dell) - ich kenn da nen typen der hat gute angebote und is ehrlich


Here to stay
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 989
wenns einer is okay, wenns 3 oder 4 sind okay, aber so viele machen keinen sehr verlässlichen eindruck, bzw. schau mal obs diese zahlungsmöglichkeit überhaupt gibt .. bei der bank


Dr. Funkenstein
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: St. Speidl / Gle..
Posts: 19777
Warum poste ich eigentlich links ? :rolleyes:

Diese "Western Union"-Masche ist ja schon fast so alt wie die Nigeria-Connection ...


Idle ...
Registered: Sep 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 1586
sobald bei ebay irgendwo "western union" vorkommt, lass die finger davon

edit: 0wned ;)


Deleted User
Registered: n/a
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lol, ich hab grad einem typen bei ebay 30$ für meine Xeon Adapter via bidpay.com geschickt... super, ich kann mich schonmal drauf einstellen das eh nix ankommt. :rolleyes:

Wieder ein bisschen schlauer... :(
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