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[Wii] Retro City Rampage

maXX 18.08.2010 - 10:05 1005 4


16 bit herz
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: dahoam
Posts: 10609
8 bit gta ftw!

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Homepage: http://www.retrocityrampage.com/


My Little Pwny
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Scotland
Posts: 13504
Wohl eher 8bit GTAZeldaMetroidSuperMarioCarmageddonTurtles? :D
Bearbeitet von Spikx am 18.08.2010, 11:01


16 bit herz
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: dahoam
Posts: 10609
jo, stimmt eigentlich.

wird halt als old school gta propagiert.


My Little Pwny
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Scotland
Posts: 13504
Naja, oder bilde ich mir das nur ein? Einige Szenen wirken eben stark wie wenn es absichtlich so gestaltet wurde, dass es an diese Spiele erinnert.


16 bit herz
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: dahoam
Posts: 10609
hier der pressetext der homepage.

A parody of the open-world action genre, Retro City Rampage takes modern game mechanics and mashes them into an authentic 8-bit experience.

It's one half fast paced arcade game, the other half a hilarious story mode!

It's all the driving and shooting you'd expect and a whole lot more!
With missions that twist pages straight from classic game experiences, you get to re-live and rewrite history in a way only a modern anti-hero could!

When it comes to enemies, weapons are only the beginning! Put on your boots and jump on their heads! Toss 'em around to knock the rest down! Become truly unstoppable with awesome power-ups!

Through its world, characters and missions, Retro City Rampage lampoons the entire 8-bit era --from its games to the TV, movies and pop culture! ...and it's downloading to your game CONSOLE this year!

wobei man recht deutlich geschicklichkeitspassagen erkennt. umso besser. :)
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