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[PSN] Shoot Many Robots

Bodominjaervi 23.02.2012 - 21:12 1323 0


OC Addicted
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Source: vg247.com
Shoot Many Robots follows P. Walter Tugnut on his mission to kill as many robots as possible after a factory ominously begins to produce killer robots.

It’s a four-way co-op platformer.

PlayStation Plus buyers who pick it up within the first two weeks of launch will be offered a free DLC pack, including extra weapons & outfits, valued at €5.

Sony’s confirmed today that Demiurge Studios’ Shoot Many Robots will launch on PSN on March 14.
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Shoot Many Robots Announcement Trailer [Europe]

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Sieht nach einem witzigen Game aus. 4 Spieler Coop klingt nett. Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass das Spiel nicht zu repetitiv ist.
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