[PS2] Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus
JC 22.09.2006 - 08:54 1519 0
Review @ Ars TechnicaIt's clear that Square-Enix had a story to tell, and though it's your standard overwrought the-world-will-end-but-for-a-single-hero-with-a-tragic-past RPG story, it will suck you in. What's sad is that they couldn't bring themselves to build a game around that story that's worth playing.
Add in the broken pacing, annoying side-characters, including a character who sounds like Solid Snake with a digestion problem (redundant?), and you have a game that would look decent in the budget bin, but terrible as a $50 Final Fantasy title. This is a story that would have been better suited as a movie, as the cut scenes prove. However, once the cut-scenes are over and you are put back in control of your underpowered character and you're slogging through a level filled with the same enemies only to spam the boss with fireballs from your monstrous limit breaker, you're going to realize that you're paying a price to get to that story.