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I Mario

hynk 20.11.2006 - 11:24 1422 1


like totally ambivalent
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Linz
Posts: 11083
Where did the idea for I, Mario come from?

I'd been playing a lot of Resident Evil: Outbreak in 2003 and 2004, and one day it dawned on me that the primary distinction between a horror game like Resident Evil and an action game like Super Mario Bros. was each game's treatment of violence; that is to say, the more realistic a game's treatment of violence, the more horrific the game is.

While their treatments are diametrically opposed, with Resident Evil: Outbreak allowing your character to become crippled, crawling on the ground and slowly dying while remaining playable, and Super Mario Bros. responding to your character's presumable immolation as he is engulfed by a swinging chain of flames by either shrinking him, while keeping his body otherwise intact, or changing him into a little sort of jumping pretzel who falls comically off the bottom of the screen. Both games place players in an environment in which every encountered creature's intention is to assault and kill the player's character; the thing that makes the games so different, regarding matters of theme and mood, is each game's respective treatment of violence.

To illustrate this, I did an imagery-heavy write-up of a version of Super Mario Bros. that gave violence a realistic treatment.


schaut ganz intressant aus.
vielleicht wird ja was draus :)

Bearbeitet von hynk am 20.11.2006, 12:47


Registered: Sep 2006
Location: 4020
Posts: 2123
wtf, Mario auf RE-Style?!? :eek:
tja, mal guggn, wie das dann aussieht...
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