"We are back" « oc.at

Both Hands on: wiiii

mat 21.11.2006 - 02:37 12644 17 Thread rating


My Little Pwny
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Scotland
Posts: 13504
Noch ein kaputter Screen:
http://www.wiihaveaproblem.com/ :D

Der neue controller is also mehr immersive als man denkt... Man macht attack moves und es kann wirklich gefährlich sein, find i geil ;)


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es steht bei jedem spiel gross die warnung dass man die schlaufe um die hand wickeln soll :)


My Little Pwny
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Scotland
Posts: 13504
Jo :) Aber wie's der auf Wiihaveaproblem.com schon so schön gesagt hat:
I was going to write some totally awesome post bashing the safety warnings. The post would even draw attention to how their remote illustration images aren't even the same image height... but then... I realized something. Corporations shouldn't have to inform you that swinging an object in the general direction of a TV has risks. Sure they have commercials where people swing the remote like mad - they are called ACTORS - and they're paid to do silly things that make us go buy innovation. Don't get me wrong, I think it sucks your TV is busted, I just think it's funny is all, and apparently so does everyone else.
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