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Welches Headset kann a3d und eax ?

PC-User 02.03.2004 - 14:15 1432 30


Big d00d
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 298
Meines Wissens schließt EAX sogar A3D zum Teil aus, da es zwei unterschiedliche Soundprozessoren vorraussetzt! Was ich damit meine ist, das nicht jede EAX Soundkarte zugleich A3D kann!

Die Audigy emuliert A3D nur, somit nicht vollwertig!
Siehe Liste

Wie auf der Seite auch beschrieben ist:

These sound cards claim to emulate Aureal A3D 1.0, but are not based on genuine Aureal A3D technology. These products aren't endorsed by Aureal Inc. in any way. They feature fake Aureal A3D drivers that route calls from Aureal A3D 1.0 in games to DirectSound3D algorithms. Such drivers may result in Aureal A3D game compatibility problems, drop in frame rates, drop in 3D sound quality, loss of audio and generally unpredictable sound behavior in Aureal A3D applications. Consequently, Aureal Inc. strongly advises against using these products for purposes of playing A3D games. Some games like Descent Freespace: The Great War and SiN will check for Aureal certified hardware and will not support Aureal A3D without it!

hth !


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