Videos auf PSP?
muaxali 05.01.2006 - 12:32 536 2
und zwar hab ich das problem das ich keine videos zum laufen bringe auf meiner psp (1gb memory stick) hab die videos ganz normal in mp4 konvertiert und auf den stick gehaun die psp findet sie aber nicht
kann mir mal wer sagen warum?
mfg muaxal
ModeratorMr. RAM
| copy video to your memory stick manually:
Navigate to your memory stick and open it, create a folder named "MP_ROOT" (if it doesn't exist) and in that folder create a directory named "100MNV01" (if it doesn't exist) - making the path to your video folder on your PSP X:\MP_ROOT\100MNV01 (X: being whatever your PSP's drive letter is, will usually be E. Copy the video file into the root of 100MNV01 folder.
Remember, you must leave the file names for the video from PSP Video 9 in their MV4XXXXX.mp4 format. You may change the number to whatever you like within the five (5) digits available, but you must not modify the scheme.
big thx