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Ultimate Ears super.fi 5 EB Ohrhörer

TOM 28.06.2006 - 14:17 1493 0


Oldschool OC.at'ler
Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Vienna
Posts: 7438
"... How many of us love listening to music? If you are reading this review, then I suspect you do. Maybe it's county, jazz, rock, heavy metal, or something else, it's your personal preference. Whatever genre you prefer, I'm sure most can appreciate quality sound. If you are a music buff then you probably have many of the toys such as an iPod or other digital audio player. While most players come with headphones/earphones, they are usually not the greatest quality. Without the proper headphones/earphones you are missing an overwhelming amount of audio. It's like listening to a radio in comparison to a hi-fi quality audio system. There's simply no comparison and it brings new life and a higher appreciation for music. High quality headphones/earphones will do just that. Sound too good to be true? It's not. Go to your local audio center and try out some of the hi-end gear, and you will be amazed. Ok, enough of that, let's get on with the review.

There are countless headphones on the market that produce very high quality sound and exceptional bass. Although, there are next to no earphones that can match that headphone quality. Let's face it, a stylish digital audio player and large headphones don't mix. So what's the solution to great bass and overall excellent sound quality when on the go? From my experience, the Ultimate Ears super.fi 5 EB is the only earphones on the market that can produce amazing blowing bass and overall exception sound quality. Of course, all this comes at a hefty price, but what did you expect..."
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