Neues von Olympus: E-400 DSLR
Krabbenkoenig 14.09.2006 - 15:56 529 1
Managing the unmanageable
Why helllooo there Olympus E-400. So, you're the world's smallest and lightest 10 megapixel Digital SLR camera huh? Announced today, this new digital shooter shares the looks of its film-based Olympus cousins and brings that fancy Supersonic Wave Filter to keep the CCD sensor dust free, Zuiko Digital lens, 2.5-inch LCD, 3fps continuous shooting, and dual-memory card slots for xD-Picture Card and CompactFlash. Oh, and the E-400 will work any of those FourThirds-compliant lenses you might have lying around including the complete range of Olympus E-System accessories. Let'sGoDigital got their mits on a pre-production unit and came away with a "very good impression" of the "remarkably compact" E-400 which will certainly sway many first timers looking to move from compact formats to DSLR. Scheduled to drop in Europe come November and the US... wha, it's not coming to the US? Oh Olympus, why? A couple of more teaser shots after the break. digicamreviewGleicher schmarrn wie Canon, Hauptsache klein und viel Megapixel obs auch gut in der Hand liegt is anscheinend Nebensache.
FX Freak
war irgendwie klar das olympus auch eine 10mp dslr bringt, nachdem canon und nikon ihre modelle schon vorgestellt haben