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Logitech Harmony One Advanced Universal Remote

JC 12.02.2008 - 17:36 2495 2


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Review @ Techgage
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The hardware itself is solid, except for some minor rattling, which I would rather not want to deal with for a product with this high a price tag. There were no issues with the buttons or design that I could mention, and the touch screen was sensitive enough to pick up presses the first time around.

The layout is something I prefer, but there will always be a degree of preference. Most of the buttons were easy to get to, but the odd shuffling between physical and touch sensitive buttons provided an awkward transition period. In the scheme of things, it won't have much impact though, so in my view it's excusable.

Even with the One's faults, I would still recommend it. The odd problems I experienced during the setup stage was quickly subdued by the overall experience: the easy of use, convenience and simplicity. It helps to remember that even if you have a problem with programming, you're only going to go through the ordeal once. Frequent trips will be made to Logitech's software if you make any additions to your home theater setup or want to tweak a particular setting, but nothing too daunting should ever take place more than once, if at all.

The One would have received a perfect score if it wasn't for it's lengthy and downright erroneous setup process. This was most likely an isolated issue, but it's something to keep in mind when you consider the fact that the problem wouldn't exist if you were using another universal remote. The chance of error is still there, and it's something to be aware of when purchasing the product. In the future, I would also like to see better Mac support, which is obviously alienating a segment of the market Logitech claims to support.


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Graz
Posts: 9827
harmony for the world! gibt nix besseres - wobeis imho eine 555er auch tut.


Gaming Addicted
Registered: Dec 2004
Location: Wien
Posts: 10670
Is ja sicher nicht schlecht aber für den Preis.
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