Dell Digital Jukebox
Cobase 02.02.2004 - 03:55 2517 2
VereinsmitgliedMr. RAM
Review @ THG Nearly all the problems I have with the Dell Digital Jukebox could be fixed with firmware upgrades. That said, do you really want to drop between $250 and $300 to beta test a company's product and get online in their forums to tell them what they should do to improve it? I wouldn't, but you might. However, the domain of digital music sales themselves seems to have prompted Dell to get a product to market too soon (my opinion again). I can't imagine any other reason that they would do things like not allowing you to use the device to transport files without installing software on the destination computer, allowing you to record voice audio but not transfer it to your computer and other conundrums covered in this review. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt scheint der Dell DJ noch keine Empfehlung wert zu sein, er hat einfach zuviele Kinderkrankheiten. Vor allem der Installationsprozeß bzw. die Anleitung zu demselben ist unter jeder Kritik: Bad documentation is what upsets me most about some PC component vendors and what makes it difficult to argue about stability with the Apple supporting peers many of us have. If my sister or mother had tried to install this thing with their PC, they would have figured it was defective and taken it back to the store, when all that was needed was a message saying "This device may not work with certain USB hubs," better yet, Dell could figured out the problem and fixed it so that it did work with most hubs. Der sarkastische Schlußsatz des Reviews trifft es wohl ziemlich auf den Punkt: Maybe that extra monetary savings over the iPod was achieved by making you test the Digital Jukebox for Dell.
Bearbeitet von Cobase am 02.02.2004, 03:58
Back from Banland
schaut ja garnicht schlecht aus, aber die inneren werte zählen
najo, die firmwareprobleme lassen sich sicher lösen, preislich attraktiv wär das teil ja