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Creative GigaWorks S750

JC 29.01.2004 - 14:43 1526 1


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Review @ ExtremeTech
Do the GigaWorks sound better than the Z-680s? Yes. Do they sound 96% better than the Z-680s? Not really, though it depends on your ears, of course. We don't think so, but speakers can sound very different to different people. So, if you're willing to plunk down even $250, you should try to give them a listen first. Remember also that the system has two additional amplifier channels built-in.

The GigaWorks speakers do offer more versatile I/O (with the decoder box), as well as support for more channels that make the GigaWorks more expensive. The GigaWorks S750s are a good fit for a small living room or den where you have your home entertainment system (with or without PC), but for nearly all near-field PC audio situations, the 7.1 configuration is simply overkill. The 5.1 S700s are more intriguing but on price/performance ratio, Logitech still has a stronger overall offering. If your emphasis is on multiple inputs and a 7.1 speaker configuration or you're looking for a small den/living room speaker system, then the GigaWorks are a good albeit pricey fit.


16 bit herz
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: dahoam
Posts: 10609
Naja, nice:) Aber um den Preis würd ich zu etwas anderem greifen bzw. auf ne andere marke sparen.
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