CPU-Auslastung bei HD-Wiedergabe ATI vs NVIDIA
Joe_the_tulip 01.01.2008 - 16:57 2304 0
Vereinsmitgliedbanned by FireGuy
Ars Technica beschäftigte sich mit der Auslastung beim Decodieren. My test results show that ATI and NVIDIA traded places depending on what type of video was being decoded. At this point, ATI holds an overall performance advantage against NVIDIA in both VC-1 and H.264 decoding, but the gap, while significant, won't leave any GeForce G86 / G92 owner holding the bag.
Regardless of which card you choose, it will still be important to keep an eye on overall processor power as well. At 3GHz, Intel's Core 2 Duo E6850 is powerful enough to decode an HD DVD or HD 1080i signal without assistance from the video card, but a low-speed CPU combined with an underpowered video card may not be capable of the same feat.