111 Megapixel CCD-Sensor vorgestellt
Cobase 25.06.2006 - 03:17 1030 3
VereinsmitgliedMr. RAM
http://www.dalsa.com/news/news.asp?itemID=252 The CCD device, which measures approximately four inches by four inches, has a total resolution of over 111 million pixels (10,560 pixels x 10,560 pixels at 9µm). It is the world’s first imager to break the 100 million pixel barrier. Damn, was für ein Viech!  Schön zu sehen, was technisch möglich ist, wenn Geld keine Rolle spielt.
Managing the unmanageable
a 111 megapixel image sensor that's only been topped on these pages by the 500 megapixel monster inside Fermilab's Dark Energy Camera. Putting even the highest-resolution bacteria-based cam to shame, the new 4-inch-square CCD features an array of 10,560 x 10,560 pixels, and was developed in conjunction with Semiconductor Technology Associates to aid the U.S. Naval Observatory's Astrometry Department in precisely determining the position and motion of celestial objects. While you probably can't afford to hire DALSA to build another one of these just for you, there's at least one option on the market that will give you the hundred-plus megapixel bragging rights you seek without breaking the bank: Better Light's 144 megapixel E-HS medium format backing, which, while technically only capturing 48 megapixels per color
frecher fratz
passt, ich weiß schon welche cam ich mir als nächstes kauf *fg*
Vereinsmitgliedbanned by FireGuy
lol, ich glaub da kannst eh noch lang sparen