NVIDIA G80: Image Quality Analysis
JC 12.12.2006 - 14:25 1366 4
Review @ Beyond3D With largely orthogonal filtering and ROP hardware that doesn't care what its sampling from or filtering, in order to commit final pixels, we can't take issue with what it's capable of in that respect. On top of that, the driver doesn't seem to be playing tricks when it comes to setting up the hardware to do requested work, such that filtering issues prevalent in prior NVIDIA hardware appear to have disappeared (and that should be the case for the lifetime of all G8x-based products, we think).
CSAA, however, throws up some interesting questions. It exists outside of D3D, and thus without NVIDIA remapping regular multisample modes to CSAA modes (with or without the user or something like WHQL being in on it), it becomes a product of the driver control panel interface to set and use effectively.
Add to that the fact its not infallible in its method and you won't always get the quality improvements per-pixel, along with the fact that 16xQ CSAA costs about as much in performance (if not silicon) as a true 16x+ MSAA mode would because of the depth test costs, and it can appear slightly curious on the surface as to why NVIDIA would spend engineering effort and transistors on the feature. The silicon costs for CSAA are therefore sufficiently cheap for NVIDIA to want to offer its users a genuine and usable IQ enhancement, outside of D3D, if they choose to enable it.
Moderatordifferential image maker
Finde ich interessant und auch mutig, den Weg, den nVidia da beschreitet mit CSAA, fernab von D3D-Spezifikationen und Anwendungspräferenzen ihren Kunden eine weitere Möglichkeit zur Bildverbesserung anzubieten.
Bearbeitet von mr.nice. am 12.12.2006, 16:10
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