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Matrox auf der GamedevelopersConference

MaxMax 22.03.2002 - 22:37 492 0


Here to stay
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Wien
Posts: 1956

bekanntlich war ja der 3D designer Chef von Matrox auf der diesjährigen GDC um (wiedereinmal) über Displacement Mapping zu referieren... nachzulesen auf http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/pc/d...02/0322/dx9.htm

leider aber in Japanisch ....
hier eine kleine übersetzung (wurde mit http://www.t-mail.com/cgi-bin/tsail gemacht)

DirectX 9 corresponding video card first as for feature from MATROX? The G800 coming finally?

Also function of DirectX 9 becomes matter of concern, but becoming about similarly to that matter of concern, " the first corresponding GPU to of DirectX 9 becoming something?" it probably means saying.

Concerning this, because the NVIDIA and the ATI " if specification of DirectX 9 fixes, the kind of expression where it corresponds you do not obtain ", and you do not give, officially only undecided it has become the circumstance which cannot be said.

But, with the latest session meaning deeply there was one curtain.

Passing, those where it did lecture were the Boyd person of the Microsoft, but with demonstration of displacement mapping the middle the speaker alternated to the technician of the MATROX.

The MATROX releases technology demonstration of the individual displacement mapping which The example which applies displacement mapping to topographical expression. If you refer to intuitively know expression, the plate plate impression of the earth's surface can express with bump mapping, but the ƒSƒcƒSƒc impression of the earth's surface can express with displacement mapping, at the point where or

If you mention the GPU of the MATROX, after the Millennium G400, becoming in the G550 regarding the 3d graphic functional aspect, you cannot see dramatic evolution, now only as a " high picture quality frame buffer ", it is the feeling which exists.

The MATROX supports leading 3d graphic technology with the next term GPU, if it believes a little and the ‚ª‚½‚¢ sees, as for this development, with " such future is suggested ", only the good way it is not.

After the session ending, the Boyd person you tried acquiring several questions which are related to this sluggishly.

" Something demonstration of that displacement mapping of Nishikawa as for being something which is actualized with the special up-to-date hardware?"

Emulation has done displacement mapping the Boyd person " well, that at software level "

The Nishikawa " MATROX had done demonstration, but that the well ‚€ which enters being and there being ‚€ meaning?"

Is Boyd person " that to be advancing research them concerning the actualization style of displacement mapping, "

Whether or not the research result is utilized with the next term MATROX make GPU G800, it is unclear, but appearance of the Millennium where the 3d engine is strengthened after a long time dramatically is made to expect.

Furthermore, beta release of DirectX 9 has planned the summer of 2002, formal release must be when it plans during 2003 years. Summer this year with melt down of opening schedule, it is the expectation where more concrete information appears.

Auf den kurzen Videos zeigt Matrox auch Displacement Mapping an 2 Figuren sowie auf der oberfläche eines schneebedeckten Berges

tja, meine G400Max wird wohl wieder durch eine Matrox ersetzt werden :D
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