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KX7-333R and Hercules 9600PRO no beep no boot

xaxoxix 19.09.2003 - 08:04 478 0


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KX7-333R and Hercules 9600PRO no beep no boot

hi there

got myself a brandnew Hercules 9600PRO, installed it on the board, tried to boot and ... and it does nothing

no vga signal, no speaker beep , no nothing

if i plugg my old gforce2 ti back into the agp slot it boots up without any problem

i already tried to reset cmos, i already took out all pci cards from the mobo and now i do not longer know , what i should try...

i dont think its a powersupply issue, i have a 300W unit
i will test the card in the afternoon with a friends pc, hope its still black on his machine, otherway i would a a compatibility problem and my venture will FOR SHURE not take the card back

so ... any ideas ?!
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