gf fx 5900 U Bug ...
Gladiac 17.07.2003 - 04:10 433 4
Peng peng
|"I thought I'd post this here as Google will do it's thing and hopefully help anybody else who encounters this bug as I've heard of a few who have. If your using a mouse specifically a Microsoft mouse and you hear a strange noise when using the scroll wheel in Internet Explorer and you have a GeForceFX 5900 or an Ultra model, the fix is to turn off smooth scrolling in Internet options and the noise should disappear. This bug is very random and seems to happen with MS mice and the Intellipoint software being installed and it may not happen even if you have the above. So I hope that helps anyone from tearing their hair out like I have been for the last few days and hopefully this can be fixed with a software update from MS or Nvidia. Edit:Apprently it's not limited to any MS mouse anything that uses a scroll wheel and happens in explorer and other program etc. , also according to eVGA it has something to do with the voltage levels of the card and Nvidia has been notified and is looking into it." nice nice !
Ambitious but rubbish
Ich hab auch mit meiner GeForce2 GTS beim Mausrad Scrollen Geräusche gehört, scheint nicht neu zu sein Dabei waren da net mal die IntelliPoint Treiber (habe eine Intell Mouse Optical) installiert. Und mit smooth scrolling hab ich erst gar nichts angefangen...
whatever it takes
also ich hatte das auch mal aber hab die pci latency umgestellt und ging wieder ohne Geräusche!
im Weihnachtsstress
Ich hatte das noch nie. Bei keiner meiner nVidia GForce Karten. Find die "Neuigkeit" aber interessant. Frag mich aber wie das mögl. sein kann wegen da GraKa beim Mausrad scrollen Geräusche zu hören. Is das net irgendwie unmöglich?
Here to stay
hm hab ich mit meiner gf3 ghabt