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Gainward Powerpack FX Ultra/1600 GS CoolFX

JC 17.09.2003 - 12:26 741 2


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9067
Die Crew von Digit Life hat diesmal ein Review der besonderen Art: Gainward's Gainward Powepack FX Ultra/1600 GS CoolFX; Wasserkühlung inkludiert. Auch wenn sich dadurch beeindruckende Werte (530/1000 MHz) erreichen lassen, ist sie mir rund €800 wohl zu teuer, als dass sich mehr als nur eine Handvoll Kunden dieses Produkts annehmen werden.
Well, judging by the overclocking scores the water cooling is really effective. The system was equipped with NO additional fans. The overclocking helps a lot to the GeForce FX 5900 Ultra. But is it worth such an unreasonably high price? Not sure. But nobody talk Matrox out of selling its Parhelia at high prices. I think there'll be few Gainward Powepack FX Ultra/1600 GS CoolFX cards released. Primarily for enthusiasts.

The driver version 51.75 was examined today only in the traditional tests (let's call them old), where shader technologies are applied only in two tests. There're some problems with quality, but it's not the final version yet. I hope NVIDIA will solve the problem. As to the optimizations, this issue is still discussable. Can NVIDIA fool those users who paid a lot for a top product by doing nothing to lift the speed? Surely, they can't. I think that by lowering quality levels in unimportant scenes the experts do increase the speed. There're no other wayouts. Another problem is the price.. it certainly should be cut down.


16 bit herz
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: dahoam
Posts: 10609
Alter schwede, das wär ein Teil:D Aber der Preis, ist ja total überzogen Da bau ich mir selber eine drauf und komm billiger davon


frecher fratz
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: is where it is
Posts: 6334
*fg* wui! mit der karte kommt ma in hl2 sicha auch scho über 30fps
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