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Foxconn GeForce 8800 GTX

JC 11.12.2006 - 09:52 1329 2


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9067
Review @ HEXUS
I'm going take the liberty of being rather blunt in this conclusion. Retail GeForce 8800 GTX, I reckon, merely serves as a portentous technology showcase for 75% of our readers. Reseller pricing that's consistently north of £400 makes it justifiably unaffordable for the vast majority. I'm fortunate to run a Dell 30in panel as my main display but I can't justify the expense of GeForce 8800 GTX, no matter how good the tech., as I don't play enough games to warrant such an outlay. I'd hazard that's the kind of situation facing most folks that are reading these words. GeForce 8800 GTS brings down retail G80 ownership to around £350 but that's still way out of the purchasing zone for most.

[...]On a more pragmatic note, Foxconn's effort is representative of the company's ethos for its range of retail PC hardware, that is, it sticks to the reference design, has a decent enough bundle, and will be available from a number of resellers. Our main concern for the Foxconn FV-N88XMAD2-OD centres around the fact that GeForce 8800 GTX is all about technology leadership by the early adopters, so Foxconn's comparatively late entrance into the market with its retail implementation means that the card's target audience may well have already bought G80 on release day. Foxconn's predicted reseller pricing of £470 inc. VAT isn't the cheapest, either, and the late arrival of the card needed to be backed up by a lower street price, really.

In summary, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with Foxconn's card; it's just that the G80 customer boat seems to have sailed away into the distance on November 8th, and high-ish expected pricing isn't the lure that we'd hoped it might have been.


Registered: Aug 2006
Location: südstadt
Posts: 3762
Wow, die aktuelle High-End Graka Serie erfüllt die in sie gesetzten Erwartungen nicht und bietet kein gutes Preis/Leistungsverhältnis ... Überraschung, Überraschung :D


suche 8800 Ulta !
Registered: Apr 2004
Location: Wien
Posts: 699
Also Preis Leistung, da kann ich nur sagen: Wer High End will/braucht soll die Karte kaufen.

High End war immer teuer im Graka Sektor !

Aber Sie schlägt die 7950 um 100% also hat die 8800 GTX mächtig Power !

Hin oder her, es ist nicht vom Tisch zu weisen das es außer Vista noch keine Games mit DX10 gibt, also braucht man eigentlich keine ca. 560 € für eine Graka auf den Tisch legen :)
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