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ATi Mobility Radeon X600 Preview

JC 04.08.2004 - 12:13 1747 3


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9067
Preview @ VR-Zone Hardware
It is rather hard to compare the Mobility Radeon X600 on the Pentium 4 550 / 915P platform against the Mobility Radeon 9700 on the Dothan 1.8Ghz / 855GME chipset. We found that the CPU/Memory performance of the pre-production notebook is low probably due to the fact that the notebook is running 512MB DDR2 on single channel mode and possibly memory timing issues. As such, 3DMark2001SE and Aquamark 3 CPU tests are affected by the low CPU/Memory performance. However, 3DMark2003 offers a better picture since it relies more on the GPU rather than the CPU and memory. It is pretty clear that Mobility X600 offers better performance than the Mobility Radeon 9700 with higher 3DMark2003 and Aquamark GFX scores. Hopefully this preview will give you some clues on the performance of the Mobility Radeon X600 and certainly we look forward to check out the performance again on a more stable and better performing platform.


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Graz
Posts: 9822
hm, versteh ich jetzt net ganz......ist das die mobility 9800 oder doch wieder was anderes?


hardware freak
Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Mittersill
Posts: 629
im prinzip nix anderes als die m9700 nur in pci-e version und mit etwas mehr takt afaik


banned by FireGuy
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 16464
nein des is net die mr9800

ich versteh allerdings auch net wozu des gut sein soll die grak jetzt nach der mr9800 am markt zu schmeißen. is halt wieder das eutzerl (wie schreibt ma des?) schneller, so 10% halt wie die m11 gegenüber der m10!
bin gspannt wann die erstens lappies mit so am teil ausgestattet werden!
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