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ATI All-in-Wonder X800 XT

JC 15.06.2005 - 12:53 2396 2


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9067
Review @ The Tech Report
Although the AIW X800 XT's surprisingly low price encourages enthusiasm, we still have several reservations about the product, particularly for home theater PC applications. Our biggest issues are with Multimedia Center, which lacks an EAZYLOOK program guide and silent background recording. The omission of silent background recording borders is inexcusable for a serious home theater PC, and it's something we've griped about in previous All-in-Wonder reviews. An X800 XT might be overkill for most home theater PCs, anyway, especially since the GPU's impressive pixel pushing-power doesn't seem to lower CPU utilization dramatically during live TV or video capture. The X800 XT GPU also requires active cooling, and with a noise level of 55 decibels on a nearly silent open test system, this All-in-Wonder's a little too loud for the living room.

While it's less than ideal for home theater PCs, the All-in-Wonder X800 XT is an excellent desktop card for those looking to combine proven 3D performance with multimedia and video capture capabilities. The lack of silent background recording is still frustrating, but Multimedia Center's fine for casual TV viewing and occasional recording. The Remote Wonder II is phenomenal, too, and there's nothing preventing users from separating it from the All-in-Wonder and using it with a more appropriate home theater PC


Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Center of ÖO
Posts: 4709
ned schlecht, aber im vergleich zur AIW9600XT hauts mi ned um!
bin zwar mit meiner jetzigen AIW9800SE@pro zufrieden würd mir aber nie wieder eine AIW KArte kaufen!
Lieber eine gscheite TV Karte und Graka, vorallem kann man dann immer getrennt tauschen.

und für an barebone is des ding auch zu laut! 55db! tsts


Er ist tot, Jim!
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Wien
Posts: 50161
meines erachtens habens gepatzt!

die KArte is sau laut und die qulität ist nimma state of the Art!
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