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ASUS nv31 und nv34 specs

3Dfx 05.03.2003 - 17:53 483 1


hardware freak
Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Mittersill
Posts: 629
ASUS which for our greater pleasure emcombre of NDA is come to reveal the specifications of its Ultra GeForce FX 5600 (NV31) and 5200 (NV34).

ASUS will launch 3 GeForce FX 5200 embarking from 128 to 256 Mo of SDRAM GDR 128 bits.

Here in detail of these charts intended for the market mainstream:

Video V9520 Continuation
memory: 128 Mo
frequencies 250/400 MHz
exit VGA, Dvi-i and TV.
dual mode DVI and DUAL VGA

memory: 128 or 256 Mo
frequencies: 250/400 MHz
exit VGA, Dvi-i and TV.

memory 128 Mo
frequencies 250/332 MHz
1 exit VGA.

The charts V9520 VS and V9520/TD will be equipped with the ASUS Smart Cooling
Technology., which makes it possible intelligement to adjust the vistess of rotation of the ventialteu according to the temperature.

ASUS will propose also two GeForce FX 5600 for the market "performances mainstream":

V9560 Ultra/TD
memory:128 Mo
frequencies: 325/550 MHz
exit VGA, Dvi-i, and TV

V9560 Ultra Video Continuation
memory:128 Mo
frequencies 325/550
exit VGA, Dvi-i and TV.
dual mode DVI and DUAL VGA

The charts V9520 VS V9520/TD and V9560 Ultra VS will be equipped with the ASUS Smart Cooling
Technology, which makes it possible intelligently to adjust the number of revolutions of the ventilator according to the temperature!.

quelle: warp2search.net


hardware freak
Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Mittersill
Posts: 629
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