smashIt 17.12.2015 - 05:24 1553 1
master of disaster
AMD Announces GPUOpen Initiative, New Compiler And Drivers For Lunix And HPC | HotHardwareLast week, we posted a story about the AMD Radeon Technology Group’s plans to support FreeSync over HDMI and other upcoming display technologies like HDR and DisplayPort 1.3. In that story, we mentioned that AMD and the new RTG (Radeon Technologies Group) organization would have more news as the year drew to a close. Today, we can talk about their next major initiative in dirving GPU resources across a wider swath of new applications, known as "GPUOpen." Link: zeit wirds das sie gameworks angreiffen
hatin' on summer
| 2 Tagen online! Etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig die Seite, aber das Set an zur Verfügung stehenden Tools ist ziemlich beeindruckend...