AMD Alveo MA35D Media Accelerator
Rogaahl 09.04.2023 - 06:25 2010 2
Alveo MA35DThe AMD Alveo MA35D Media Accelerator is powered by an ASIC-based video processing unit Purpose-built to maximize streaming density per card. The architecture is custom-built for the area-, power- and cost-per-channel to deliver outstanding economics for high-volume streaming. Link: Ein echter Gamechanger imho. Ich hoffe die Technologie findet Platz auf der nächsten GPU Generation. The Video Encoding Card of my DREAMS - EXCLUSIVE SAMPLES!
differential image maker
Ja, das habe ich mir auch gedacht, hochqualitatives und schnelles encodieren mit der Grafikkarte wäre wirklich ein gutes Argument für einen Neukauf, die Qualität des H265 mit der RTX 3090 überzeugt mich noch nicht. Schön, dass AMD sich mit dem Media Accelerator aus der Deckung wagt und einen ersten Schritt macht.
Specs and Features of the AMD AMA Video SDK — AMD AMA 1.0 documentationThe AMD AMA Video SDK is a complete software stack allowing users to seamlessly leverage the hardware accelerated features of AMD video codec units and enable high-density real-time transcoding for live streaming video service providers, OEMs, and Content Delivery Network (CDNs), on compatible cards. Included in the AMD AMA Video SDK is a pre-compiled version of FFmpeg which integrates video transcoding plug-ins for AMD devices, enabling simple hardware acceleration of video decoding, scaling and encoding. The AMD AMA Video SDK also provides a C-based application programming interface (API) which facilitates the integration of AMD video codec units transcoding capabilities in proprietary frameworks. Link: