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8900GTX and 8950GX2 Pricing and Information?

Vengeance 15.02.2007 - 18:56 1085 6


Little Overclocker
Registered: Dec 2006
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Posts: 53
News just hit our bench about upcoming information regarding nVidia’s upcoming G80 based graphics cards. We want to first clearly state that we’re not sure if the information is accurate and at best it would just be estimated prices.

Our friends over at OCW seem to be talking to the right people here in Taiwan and have a bunch of information regarding the most expensive GeForce 8950GX2 that will be sold for $599 USD. It is rumored to be a dual GPU solution much like the 7950GX2 and will come with a total of 512MB GDDR-4 memory per GPU.

The second on the list is the GeForce 8900GTX which will replace the current high-end 8800GTX. It will ship at a retail price of $549 USD and sees total pipelines increased to 128 which is an increase of 32 or 25% as suggested by Fudo over at the INQ recently. It will also see the inclusion of GDDR4 memory which allows nVidia to increase the clock speed to a huge 2200MHz DDR. It also seems like the manufacturing process is being reduced to 80nm from 90nm in the latest batch of G80 chips.

In case you're not sure, one of our local Taiwanese drinking buddies (thanks Charlie!) was kind enough to provide translation. The top part after NV G80 says "specs and prices are estimated" and from left to right - chip name, core / memory frequency, memory type, memory bandwidth, memory amount, pipelines, process and price (USD).

As you can see, nVidia have a whole range of new graphics cards ready and apparently waiting to spoil AMD and ATI’s R600 launch. Word around Taiwan is that the cards are basically ready and nVidia is just waiting for AMD to take the covers off their range of upcoming R600 graphics cards.

8900_104576.jpg (downloaded 144x)
Bearbeitet von Vengeance am 15.02.2007, 19:00


"old" oc.at Member
Registered: Nov 2000
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Hmm wie wohl der Stromverbrauch sein wird?


Erdbeeren für ALLE!
Registered: Aug 2004
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wow, kein schlechtes portfolio - die 8900 gts wird sehr interessant werden!


OC Addicted
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Zitat von Aslinger
Hmm wie wohl der Stromverbrauch sein wird?

naja kann nur besser werden als bei ATI ! :D

laute der liste werden die 89xxer schon auf 80µ gebaut + DDR4 ;) das heisst, strom sparrender und besser zum OC ;) siehe GTX mit Standard 700mhz Core ;)


Registered: Jan 2004
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also 700Mhz GPU takt @ Stock bei sovielen Pipelines klingt ordentlich sexy :D


Registered: Aug 2005
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und wann wird dieses Teil wohl zu haben sein?


OC Addicted
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~ April , MAi
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