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Stats: September 2015

mat 01.10.2015 - 09:41 5690 3


Legends never die
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: nö
Posts: 25564

Top Poster:

UserPostsOntopicOfftopic% OfftopicChars
Creeps 200 103 97 48.5 42705
Dune- 190 49 141 74.21 85166
XeroXs 184 123 61 33.15 54776
InfiX 169 75 94 55.62 42999
Bogus 162 31 131 80.86 60617
rad1oactive 155 89 66 42.58 38418
p1perAT 150 84 66 44 62215
sk/\r 148 32 116 78.38 59006
lalaker 131 79 52 39.69 25642
crumb 115 5 110 95.65 153826
ccr 108 38 70 64.81 58060
AdRy 100 34 66 66 33863
XXL 98 34 64 65.31 41700
HaBa 98 11 87 88.78 58108
smashIt 97 38 59 60.82 20932
Dreamforcer 93 42 51 54.84 16030
userohnenamen 93 50 43 46.24 16841
Error404 91 59 32 35.16 14915
xyto 88 14 74 84.09 125185
Joe_the_tulip 86 23 63 73.26 14126
charmin 83 50 33 39.76 13391
22zaphod22 82 56 26 31.71 28549
mat 78 60 18 23.08 60498
FireGuy 77 0 77 100 19106
M4D M4X 77 6 71 92.21 27551
Smut 76 62 14 18.42 24708
xtrm 76 47 29 38.16 27038
ChrisViper 74 2 72 97.3 47194
NeM 73 9 64 87.67 31264
Master99 73 52 21 28.77 23928

Top Threadstarter:

UserThreadsRepliesOntopicOfftopic% Offtopic
p1perAT 8 59 5 3 37.5
pirate man 7 59 3 4 57.14
Dune- 6 89 5 1 16.67
Umlüx 6 36 6 0 0
Creeps 5 18 3 2 40
mat 5 47 5 0 0
FearEffect 5 20 3 2 40
karlstiefel 4 43 4 0 0
Error404 4 20 0 4 100
ccr 4 11 0 4 100
charmin 4 28 1 3 75
smashIt 4 7 2 2 50
The Prophet 3 8 0 3 100
roscoe 3 3 1 2 66.67
hachigatsu 3 31 1 2 66.67
XeroXs 3 21 3 0 0
hoschy 3 27 1 2 66.67
wergor 3 8 2 1 33.33
Mr. Zet 3 31 1 2 66.67
retro 3 9 2 1 33.33
quake 3 26 1 2 66.67
Indigo 3 5 1 2 66.67
mr.nice. 3 7 2 1 33.33
Obermotz 3 75 1 2 66.67
eeK! 3 22 2 1 33.33
creative2k 3 15 1 2 66.67
coolem 3 13 2 1 33.33
rad1oactive 3 44 1 2 66.67
Captain Kirk 2 4 1 1 50
manga 2 22 2 0 0

Top Threads:

Thread0wnerViewsReplies (this month)
Wien Wahl 2015 HUJILU 8338 248
VW trickst mit Software: Rückruf für 482.000 Autos M4D M4X 4697 154
In Your Face Friday - Star Wars, aber bitte richtig karlstiefel 4031 18
In Your Face Friday - Die erMOBArung des Genres karlstiefel 3714 27
OÖ Wahl 2015 sk/\r 3581 98
Beef Jerky Sammelbestellung watercool 2843 121
WaKü Einbau gegen Bezahlung Thalus 2557 82
virus - mich hats erwischt - help 22zaphod22 1990 55
Game City 2015: Wir sind dabei! mat 1697 20
Sony Xperia Z5 - 3 Modelle Earthshaker 1644 43

Forum 0wner:

Air Cooling FearEffect 3
AMD Processors mat 3
Apple XeroXs 65
Ask Corsair SaxoVtsMike 4
Ask McShark - 0
Wiederauferstandenes, namenloses Forum sk/\r 1
Benchmarks mat 2
Benzinbrüder Obermotz 23
Bug Reporting mat 2
Cases & Casemods SaxoVtsMike 1
Computer Displays retro 4
Danger! High Voltage! NL223 3
Distributed Computing - 0
Drivers & BIOS - 0
Extreme Cooling - 0
Fun's Welcome Error404 3
Games Forum blood 39
Geek Cuisine watercool 39
General Feedback Creeps 3
General Mainboard Stuff - 0
General Software 22zaphod22 18
GNU/Linux, *BSD and other OS pirate man 18
Home Theater & Multimedia Player davebastard 4
include('coding_stuff.inc'); wergor 3
Intel Processors Gargamel 6
Internet & Networking mat 6
Konsolen Creeps 24
Lichtspieltheater Creeps 52
m33t the g33ks Joe_the_tulip 13
Mainboards for AMD CPUs - 0
Mainboards for Intel CPUs daisho 2
Members Only HaBa 51
MMO shad 1
Mobile Devices hachigatsu 24
Music Jukebox questionmarc 9
Networking Hardware nicolas conte 20
Off Topic XeroXs 36
Operating Systems XeroXs 11
Other Hardware Stuff pirate man 7
Overclocking Team - 0
Pixelfreak's Showcase hachigatsu 13
REQ: GFX - 0
SBT - Marketplace Bogus 29
Shop Feedbacks hamawe 2
Shops - Info & Feedback InfiX 10
Sport & Fitness FireGuy 73
Storage & Memory Dune- 29
Suche Song/Artist/Album - 0
Systembau & Systemprobleme lalaker 27
User Feedbacks pirate man 1
V5 Feature-Requests M4D M4X 2
Video Cards mat 11
Water Inside Thalus 28
World Events & Politics Dune- 131

Top Attachments in news and articles:

AttachmentNews/ArticleViewsUploaded by
intro_206752.jpg In Your Face Friday - Star Wars, aber bitte richtig 53518 karlstiefel
moba-intro-kopie_207235.jpg In Your Face Friday - Die erMOBArung des Genres 26291 karlstiefel
game-city-overclockers-at_207410.jpg Game City 2015: Wir sind dabei! 6506 mat
asus_logo_black_207411.png Game City 2015: Wir sind dabei! 966 mat
asus-watercooling-01_207413.jpg Game City 2015: Wir sind dabei! 956 mat
asus-watercooling-02_207414.jpg Game City 2015: Wir sind dabei! 955 mat
asus-watercooling-project-03_207415.jpg Game City 2015: Wir sind dabei! 955 mat
intel-logo_207424.png Game City 2015: Wir sind dabei! 950 mat
ekwb_logo_207423.png Game City 2015: Wir sind dabei! 950 mat
seasonic-logo_207425.png Game City 2015: Wir sind dabei! 950 mat

Top Attachments in forum threads:

AttachmentThreadViewsUploaded by
fb_img_1441110572135_206734.jpg fun's welcome (new rule: no post w/o joke!) 1249 hachigatsu
this-is-sparta_206735.jpg fun's welcome (new rule: no post w/o joke!) 1199 Error404
picard_schule_206890.jpg fun's welcome (new rule: no post w/o joke!) 923 Umlüx
wien2015_206824.png Wien Wahl 2015 870 smashIt
wahlkabine_206825.png Wien Wahl 2015 837 InfiX
04-barn-owl-21_206977.gif fun's welcome (new rule: no post w/o joke!) 792 rad1oactive
lowcarb_207041.jpg Reality Check: Wie schauts aus mit der Liebe? 723 hynk
uacuryh_207073.gif fun's welcome (new rule: no post w/o joke!) 665 Error404
1412078553-bunqo55khej_206949.jpg Reality Check: Wie schauts aus mit der Liebe? 637 WONDERMIKE
stoppt-die-rechten-fp-haimbuchner-attersee-aufrstung-und-ausgleichszulage_1_207334.gif Migration & Zuwanderung 576 crumb


Posts 7902
Threads 264
New users 23
    Posts 49
    Threads 4
Average age 36.85
Upload 372.83 MB


Registered: Sep 2009
Location: AT
Posts: 2953
Top Threadstarter :eek:

Und nicht Rot, Yeah! :cool: :D


Komischer Kauz
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Jig-Jig Street
Posts: 7354
Zitat von p1perAT
Und nicht Rot, Yeah! :cool: :D
:cool: Same here. Coole Sache! :) + Top Poster ;)


Registered: Apr 2000
Location: Vienna
Posts: 4890
Wien zieht :cool:
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