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Silverstone Decathlon DA650

JC 08.08.2007 - 08:49 1914 0


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Review @ AnandTech | Geizhals
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Despite the voltage drop on the 5V rail (especially under 230VAC input) this power supply still leaves us with a favorable impression. The internal design and the arrangement of components are very good, and Silverstone uses high-quality components rated for higher temperatures. The end result is very good performance, even in harsher environments. Noise levels are also better than most competing power supplies.

The two biggest flaws with the Decathlon DA650 are the same as those of the Olympia OP650. The secondary heatsink is too small and has difficulty dissipating heat at higher loads. It would be great to see a bigger heatsink in the next version, revision, or series from Silverstone. The second problem is the big voltage drop that occurs on most of the rails, and although most of the rails remain within specifications there is still clearly room for improvement. The 12V rail doesn't have as significant of a voltage drop, and we would like to see the same attention given to the other rails. We are staying in contact with Silverstone, and if we have any new information on this issue would we be sure to update the article.

The efficiency and standby efficiency are above average as we have seen with the Olympia. Reaching a maximum of 83% efficiency, the result is very good, particularly with 230VAC. With an input of 100VAC we still reach 80% efficiency. The standby efficiency is better than what we have seen with other units, although the unit uses a little too much power when the system is turned off.
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