Power Supply Tutorial
TOM 12.04.2006 - 15:50 1623 0
ElderOldschool OC.at'ler
Hardwaresecrets.com hat einen 10-Seitigen Artikel namens "Power Supply Tutorial" Online gestellt. Es wird zuerst anfängerfreundlich erklärt, was ein Computernetzteil eigentlich macht und dann genauer in die Materie eingegangen. Auch auf die Kühleigenschaften und die genaue PIN-Belegung wurde nicht vergessen. "...As an electrical device, the computer needs power in order for its components to operate properly. The device responsible for supplying power to the computer is the power supply. In a short way, we could say that the main function of the power supply is to convert alternating voltage (a.k.a. AC) which is supplied by the electrical power system into continuous voltage (a.k.a. DC). In other words, the power supply converts the conventional 110V or 220V alternating voltage into continuous voltage used by the PC electronic components, which are: +3,3V, +5V, +12V, -5V and -12V. The power supply is also present in the PC cooling process, facilitating the airflow inside the case.
Linear power supplies work by getting the 127 V or 220 V from the power grid and lowering it to a lower value (e.g. 12 V) using a transformer. This lower voltage is still AC. Then rectification is done by a set of diodes, transforming this AC voltage into pulsating voltage. The next step is filtering, which is done by an electrolytic capacitor, transforming this pulsating voltage into almost DC. The DC obtained after the capacitor oscillates a little bit (this oscillation is called ripple), so a voltage regulating stage is necessary, done by a zener diode or by a voltage regulator integrated circuit. After this stage the output is true DC voltage..."