Koolance PSU-1200ATX-12S Liquid Cooled
JC 21.05.2007 - 09:32 2090 7
Review @ jonnyGURUI HATED giving this thing a low score. And I would never tell anyone that this power supply is NOT recommended, despite the fact that it only scored a 7 and didn't get a "Recommended" award. But the fact of the matter is, it's an 850W power supply being sold as a 1200W power supply at a cost of around $500. I bagged on the efficiency, but it really wasn't too bad. I bagged on the ripple and noise, but at loads under 850W (where 99% of you guys and gals will be 99% of the time) it was within spec. The coolness factor and just the aesthetics were off the charts though. In fact, even if this PSU wasn't water cooled and instead was an air cooled PSU in a laser etched aluminum housing with stainless steel panels on the top and bottom, it STILL would have scored a 10 in the aesthetics category.
Plain and simple, the choice is up to you. That's why it's so important to not just read the beginning and end of a review and actually read what's in between. Because even though this power supply didn't score a 10, I still like it. Has this happened before? Yes. The SevenTeam ST500EAZ I reviewed last year wasn't perfect, but I liked it. So I used it in my own machine for over a year. Not every good PSU is going to score "perfect." Not every "perfect" PSU is perfect for everyone. This is a good power supply. It's expensive, but if you want people to stop and leave a puddle in front of your PC as they walk by at the LAN parties, then I strongly suggest giving the Koolance consideration.
also aussehen tut das ding tatsächlich enorm scharf!
1k senseless posts
also aussehen tut das ding tatsächlich enorm scharf! des is aber auch schon alles....
eh, ist auch nicht wirklich mein "hauptkriterium" bei einem NT kauf (wobei ich bei dem Preis wahrscheinlich zu Leasing tendieren würde ...)
Dry aged
Das Ding echt mit Flüssigkeit angefüllt? Hab immer geglaubt wenn Flüssigkeit ins PSU kommt machts Bzzzzzzzzt!
Das Ding echt mit Flüssigkeit angefüllt? Hab immer geglaubt wenn Flüssigkeit ins PSU kommt machts Bzzzzzzzzt!  hat man das nicht auch früher generell über PCs gesagt?
Vielleicht solltet ihr den Artikel lesen. Flüssigkeit =! Wasser
Gab ja schon immer PCs oder Netzteile die zum Beispiel mit Öl gekühlt wurden.
//sollte lesen lernen -.-