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Enermax Galaxy 850W

JC 19.09.2006 - 09:50 1082 2


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Review @ Bjorn3D.com
Enermax is a very well-known PSU maker in the computer industry. Their new Galaxy 850W EGA850EWL maintains the standard that Enermax has been known for - rock solid performance. Furthermore, it has taken the computer power supply into the next level. Everything about this PSU, all the way from the polished exterior finish, the modular and native connector, PowerGuard, to the inside components - dual transformer and five 12V rails, are features that makes EGA850EWL the PSU to buy. The true 850W at 50C and independent CPU only 12V rails will guarantee that even under extreme usage, the PSU will deliver a steady power to any power demanding system configuration. In addition to all the hardware features, Enermax also supports the PSU for 3 years (although it would be nice if Enermax can follow other big manufactures’ trend by extending the high-end PSU to 5 years). There is just one little thing that people who who are looking to purchase this PSU should watch out - make sure that their case is deep enough to fit the PSU.


Little Overclocker
Registered: May 2006
Location: Austria
Posts: 83
so ein teil wird sicher für eine grafikkarte mitm r600 fällig, sollte die wirklich über 200 watt saugen

ein otto normal user wird so ein teil in nächster zeit sicher net brauchen


ieS Virtual Gaming
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: 47° 57′ 32″..
Posts: 2985
außer es gibt zum r600/g80 ein ext. PSU dazu :D:p
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