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be quiet! SFX Power

Joe_the_tulip 25.09.2009 - 15:30 5500 3


banned by FireGuy
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 16480
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Overclock3D widmet sich dem be quiet! SFX Power 350-Watt-Netzteil.
With features such as 86% efficiency, dual +12v rails and sleeved cables its easy to forget that we're not looking at the specs of a full fat ATX PSU here. Even when moving on the rail layout chart, the 20/22A distribution on the +3.3v and +5v rails along with 14/16A on the +12v1 and +12v2 rails is very much what would be expected of a 350w ATX unit.

With 3x Molex and 2x SATA connectors, the SFX Power should suit most peoples needs for a basic system setup.

Finally, the only part of the whole unit that gets me worried is the 80mm fan. Not only is it an 80mm fan, but it is also a 12mm deep version which means that there really isn't much room to optimise the blades for maximum airflow at low speeds.

A quick glance at the graphs above shows the most unruly rail to be the +3.3v one. However, even here the SFX Power manages to keep the ripple at just over 40mVpp in Test 4 and just under 40mVpp in Test 7. The +5v and +12v rails perform even better in comparison topping out at 21.6mVpp and 25.6mVpp respectively during Test 4. Only during the cross-load testing in T5 does the +5v rail break 50mVpp showing that the SFX Power isn't too keen on cross-load situations.

The only area that the be quiet! SFX Power failed to deliver (which is a bit ironic given its name) was in the noise output. At anything up to around 75% load the unit was perfectly silent. However on pushing closer to the PSU's maximum output, the 80mm fan speed increased significantly bringing with it the annoying pitched squeal that only 80mm fans are capable of. By 100% load the fan could easily be heard above the din of the PSU testing equipment which leads me to believe you wouldn't want your HTPC / SFF PC to be in the same room as you when this PSU is running flat out.


former person of interest
Registered: Sep 2006
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gib generell nicht begeistert von der marke, und dass sie sich immer noch die dummheit eines 8cm fan leisten setzt noch einen drauf. in diesem wattbereich gibts zum glück ein gutes seasonic und seit kurzem ein cougar ;)


Registered: Mar 2002
Location: Graz
Posts: 14532
du hast aber gelesen, dass es sich hier um ein SFX netzteil handelt?
die seasonic haben genauso nur 80mm lüfter, so wie jedes andere netzteil im sfx formfaktor (manche sogar nur 60mm wenn der lüfter hinten ist)
... deswegen wunderts mich auch, dass das im review so negativ hervorgehoben wird, das lautstärkeargument ist ausserdem irgendwie nicht schlüssig, weil ein HTPC zieht in der regel keine 260+W :D
Bearbeitet von InfiX am 26.09.2009, 10:17


former person of interest
Registered: Sep 2006
Location: -
Posts: 4082
na hab ich überlesen - ist ja noch früh am morgen. das machts aber nicht zu einer guten design entscheidung ;)
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