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Scythe Zipang

JC 16.09.2008 - 10:39 3829 5


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Review @ bit-tech.net
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With the sheer amount of copper and surface area for cooling, the Scythe Zipang really should be producing much better thermal results, and we feel the blame can be laid on the quality of the cooler at the vital heat transfer points between the base and the heat pipes, and then between the heatpipes and the cooling fins. There are clear gaps around the heatpipes running through the base, and the lower tier of heatpipes only makes limited contact with the cooling fin array, which have obviously reduced thermal performance.

[...]While the Scythe Zipang isn't broken, its abysmal thermal performance combined with a Hulk-like rage inducing fitting procedure and a price tag steeper than Nvidia's stock decline make this one of the worst coolers we've looked at in recent memory. It fails on almost every criteria on which we judge a heatsink, and while it is very quiet, so are Noctua's coolers, which are not only cheaper, but perform 9°C cooler. The Zipang's dimensions also mean you'll struggle to fit it inside an HTPC, which is the only real task we think it could possibly be suited for.

Last week we looked at the superb Akasa 966, and it was pretty much everything we want from a CPU cooler. Quiet, easy to fit and offering great thermal results, it was an easy cooler to recommend. The Zipang is almost the polar opposite. Ridiculously oversized, underpowered, over priced and a pain to fit - the Zipang is a poor cooler from the get go, and certainly proves that looks can indeed be deceiving.


Registered: Sep 2006
Location: 4020
Posts: 2136
nett :)

btw: der link hierher in der "latest news"-box is broken, und auf der main page is nix zu sehn


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Fixed :)

Auf der Hauptseite scheinen Webreviews auch nur unterhalb der News als Textlink auf.


Legends never die
Registered: Aug 2003
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Ich hab den Kühler vor nicht allzu langer Zeit getestet und muss sagen, dass die Kühlleistung und Lautstärke zwar gut und mehr als ausreichend sind, aber die Montage dank der unerreichbaren Push-Pins sehr schmerzhaft von statten geht. Außerdem sollte man auf alle Fälle einen Blick in die Kompatibilitätsliste werfen, denn nicht jedes Mainboard will dem Zipang genügend Platz geben.


Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Linz
Posts: 17908
Welche Einbauposition sollte man beim Zipang wählen, damit die Heatpipes ihre maximale Leistung entfalten können?


small gift, big smile
Registered: Jul 2008
Location: aut.graz
Posts: 2100
ich hatte beim xp-120 nur die möglichkeit sie zum netzteil oder zur grafikkarte anzuordnen und zum netzteil brachte ca ~4°C beim spielen...

wenns möglich is richtung hinten (die größeren), würd ich das empfehlen imo
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