High-End Pentium 4 Cooling Shootout
JC 07.06.2002 - 10:31 717 4
GamePC hat einen kleineren Test veranstaltet. Mit von der Partie waren unter anderem folgende Kühler: - Alpha Novatech PAL8942 - Intel Stock Pentium 4 Cooler - Thermalright AX-478 - Thermaltake Volcano 7+ - Zalman CNPS 5500-Cu - Zalman CNPS 6500B-AlCu Throughout the tests, we would have to say we were more than a little surprised by some of the results we achieved. The coolers we were expecting to do extremely well (Thermalright AX-478, Zalman 5500-Cu) only performed in the middle of the pack, while Intel's own retail cooler managed to keep up with some of the top of the line copper coolers on the market today. We were very surprised to see how little of a performance advantage the all-copper coolers have compared to the generic aluminum coolers on the market.
pädagogisch wertvoll
One of the Pentium 4's most talked about features to date has been its ability to run with very little cooling. Even when pushing clock speeds over 2 GHz, solche luschen....  der P4 2 GHz (willi) hatte genauso 70W wie ein TB 1400
solche luschen....  der P4 2 GHz (willi) hatte genauso 70W wie ein TB 1400 Die spielen damit aufs Throttling an, denk ich mal...
pädagogisch wertvoll
The combination of Intel's low power, low heat processors along with its superb heatsink mounting mechanism, have made the Socket-478 Pentium 4 a favorite with a lot of crowds, OEM system builders in particular. nein eher nicht. die glauben wirklich dass ein P4 ein low heat processor ist...
nein eher nicht. die glauben wirklich dass ein P4 ein low heat processor ist...  der Willamette war ein 18-microner, denk daran - der northwood hat deutlich weniger abwärme...