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Bulldozer bereits auf Rekordjagd: 8,43 GHz

mat 13.09.2011 - 15:20 19627 44


Overclocking Team Member
Registered: Dec 2007
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hier ei kleines video von der sessio
mäkinen meinte 7GHz mit ln2 sind überhaupt kein problem
wenn ich das richtig vertanden hab sind sie mit ln2 bis auf 8GHz gekommen
:eek: :eek: will haben

Bearbeitet von noir am 13.09.2011, 23:43


Overclocking Team Member
Registered: Apr 2008
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Habe ich auch so verstanden das mit LN2 >8GHz sogar kamen.
Ist bei den Phenoms eh auch nicht viel anders gewesen das LN2 zu LHe nur marginal Unterschied machte.
Die Kühlleistung/Fläche dürfte hier wohl ein Limitierender Faktor sein, vorrangig vom original HS.

Kann man nur abwarten das BD wenigst in 3D(Multicore) Benches was reisst gegen Intel. Wäre halt schon günstiger als Sandy-E der Bulli....


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NordicHardware hat ein Interview mit Macci, indem auch einige Details zum Übertakten von Bulldozer eingestreut wurden:

[quote]NordicHardware: "Why don't your CPU's have a coldbug, and will all Bulldozer-samples come without it or does this only apply to handpicked samples?"
Sami Mäkinen: "I’d need to clarify this from AMD Engineering teams (and not sure if they’d be able to provide much detail to be honest…;). But in short (and this is just a personal guess) it likely has to do with the design margins and similar to the Deneb and Thuban CPUs the design appears to be very robust and can withstand even the most extreme cooling solutions. Bulldozer is a very descriptive name in this case.
So far I have not seen a sample that would not run under LN2 – so it looks very promising! I have tested around 10 CPUs so far under LN2."

NordicHardware: "What kind of voltage did you need to reach your 8.429 GHz result, and how many watts this the system pull?"
Sami Mäkinen: "The sweet spot under LHe cooling and for the CPUZ workload was 2.0125V (CPUZ reported 2.016V). We did not measure the current going to the CPU rail but as usual the CPU power consumption drops dramatically when you move to very low temperatures. For this test the goal was to find out the max. CPUZ result so we didn’t need to load the system heavily. If I’d have to make a guess I’d say we probably stayed within the TDP"

NordicHardware: "How many samples did you have to go through to reach the new world record?"
Sami Mäkinen: "I had pre-tested 7 CPUs in Finland on LN2 and 4 of these hit over 8GHz. We tried one or two of these on LHe in Austin and saw 8.14GHz in the initial tests (temperatures, thermal contact and settings may not have been 100% optimal though). Eventually the CPU that we used for the 8.429GHz run was a random pick from the tray. It was never tested on air or LN2 before. We simply picked it based on the VID value (lower VID usually (but not always!) works the best under LN2). Initial run with LN2 seemed promising so we switched over to LHe and got everything dialed in just perfectly. Temperature dropped down to -235C and we found the optimal voltage level."

NordicHardware: "It says you reached frequencies "well above 5 GHz" with only air and sub-$100 water cooling solutions. Mind going more into detail about your ventures on air and water?"
Sami Mäkinen: "In terms of CPUZ MHz I’ve seen virtually every CPU reach over 5GHz when using a good air/watercooler. I believe the highest result I saw with aircooling was around 5.5GHz CPUZ. This CPU hit around 7.8GHz on LN2."

NordicHardware: "Also are these 5+ GHz frequencies that could be achieved by people looking for a 24/7 overclock on air or water cooling solutions?"
Sami Mäkinen: "There is obviously a delta between “CPUZ MHz” and “24/7 MHz” and overclocking is never guaranteed. But getting close to 5GHz (or even above) on good cooling solutions seems to be possible. Every CPU is different so your mileage can vary."

NordicHardware: "Last, but not least. Any hints or teasers about the FX-series performance?"
Sami Mäkinen: "As mentioned the goal of this experiment was the CPUZ frequency so we didn’t dive in to the world of benchmarking or performance yet."[/quote]

Quelle: nordichardware.se


Sim Racer
Registered: Feb 2004
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2,016v! :eek: :D

Einfach nur geil, so einen _muss_ ich mir zulegen! :D


Registered: Jul 2002
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Vorallem "no coldbug" dürfte vieles wieder erleichtern. ;)


Overclocking Team Member
Registered: Apr 2008
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treibt aber die LN2 Kosten extrem rauf :rolleyes:


Registered: Jul 2002
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Zitat von octacore
treibt aber die LN2 Kosten extrem rauf :rolleyes:
ach, dafür brauchst nicht immer wieder sinnlos den pot erwärmen. ;)


Legends never die
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Wer noch nicht genug vom Übertakten eines Bulldozers gesehen hat, der sollte unbedingt dem Forum von hwbot.org einen Besuch abstatten. Dort wurden nämlich alle bisher existierenden Overclocking-Videos gesammelt, auch diverse Phase-Change- und Dry-Ice-Versuche vom Übertakter chew.

Link: hwbot.org


Legends never die
Registered: Aug 2003
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Gigabyte zieht nach: hicookie kommt mit dem 990FXX-UD7 ebenfalls auf über 8 GHz.

8GHz on 990FXA-UD7, not hard to reach without cherry pick CPU, LN2 Cooled -192°C http://valid.canardpc.com/show​_oc.php?id=2040266

Quelle: gigabytedaily.blogspot.com


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Austria,Stmk.
Posts: 23254
sehr schön. bin schon auf lhe ergebnisse vom hicookie gespannt. :D


Legends never die
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8,58 GHz von AndreYang!


Quelle: anandtech.com


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Austria,Stmk.
Posts: 23254
welch ein wunder wenn man 100+ stück testen kann. :D
die vcore ist aber auch schon sickest für 32nm. lange wird der das nicht mehr machen. :eek:

FX Freak

Registered: Feb 2004
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wow, die bulldozer kommen den 9ghz immer näher:)


OC Addicted
Registered: Mar 2004
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imho recht nett, aber nur fürn max takt zu gebrauchen. gibts eigentlich schon vernünftige spi oder 3d benches von der raupe ? :D


Fidi Tunka
Registered: Mar 2005
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afaik kommt der mit 8ghz+ nichtmal unter 10 sekunden.
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