BlastFlow Siberian Modular VGA Waterblock
JC 01.09.2007 - 10:07 1903 3
Review @ bit-tech.netThe block's edges are a little too sharp for our liking and it could lead to someone cutting themselves whilst installing it... which leads us onto the installation procedure itself. The cooling plate is easy enough to install, but it’s after that when the problems start – it was pretty fiddly and required two of us to get the block installed with a good contact - it could be the reason why nobody has gone down this route before.
The finish is a little naff too. If you spend upwards of £100 on a single cooling component you expect it to stand out and look like the money you've splashed out on it. This is completely evident with the Danger Den, but the simple brushed aluminium base plate and lack of core detail makes it seem underwhelming. The concept is a really bright idea, and simple base plates keep the cost as low as possible while keeping the cooling to the max. After all, once it's in a case who's going to see it if it's facing the floor?
What we're really wondering is how well (if at all) Vadim can see into the future? What's to stop ATI or Nvidia decide the don't want to put screw holes in the corners around the GPU anymore? They've done so consistently to date but graphics design is a lot more liberal in some respects than CPU - the whole cost-benefit of the main waterblock could be killed in a single product cycle. However, that shouldn't be the case any time soon as Nvidia is early into its mid-cycle and ATI is early-cycle, and neither company has had its DirectX 10 refresh yet. So, the block should still provide an ample investment.
The concept of a modular block means it's also resellable - so you're more likely to invest in it in the first place, even if you chose not to continue with watercooling at your next upgrade cycle. Your investor can then just grab a base plate for a little cost and the whole process keeps on rolling. The only worry is corrosion and block lifetime, but a conscientious watercooler will have taken measures to prevent this.
Big d00d
Naja, 147€ sind schon a bissal happig für nen Kühler und dann auch noch wenn die Kanten zu scharf sind und man sich die Finger schneidet. Die Temps sind dafür aber echt genial.
Hm ... er wirbt damit dass man nur die Platte auswechseln muss wenn neue PCBs rauskommen ... naja, ist etwas fragwürdig. Wer weiß schon was sich die Grafikkartenhersteller als nächstes ausdenken.
Der Preis ist natürlich total daneben imho ... (um das Geld bekommst ja schon gute GraKas, und für einen simplen Block Alu/Kupfer...)
Vereinsmitglied BYOB
die gpu-x reihe kannst auch umbauen in dem man die haltebleche austauscht.. stößt aber nat. auch an seine Grenzen weil man ja vorher nie weiss was kommt