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Athlon 64 mit Monsterwak - Pics inside

Aiwa 12.11.2003 - 22:58 9033 121


Registered: Aug 2002
Location: vienna
Posts: 3414
kann ich dir dann sagen wenn ich es wieder eingebaut habe und es maybe ein neues bios gibt! in der default-einstellung ist es extrem schnell und stable!


Back from Banland
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Vienna
Posts: 4663
also is das Msi mobo ja eh ned schlecht? aber genug off-topic ;)


OC Addicted
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: USA
Posts: 731
Konnte nix finden auf xtremesys, zumindest keine Lösung. BIOS Update hat auch keine Änderung gebracht. Sux ziemlich :(
Wär super wenn ihr mir mit nem Link weiterhelfen könnt.


im Weihnachtsstress
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Vienna
Posts: 1067
Screens sind schwierig.
Ich hab den A64 wie schon öfters gesagt net im i-net


Here to stay
Registered: Jul 2000
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secure a64? :)


im Weihnachtsstress
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Vienna
Posts: 1067
Ganz genau,ich brauch kana Probleme am A64 Sys,dafür is es mir zu "wichtig"
Hab einen thread mit Problemen am laufen :D


Registered: Aug 2002
Location: vienna
Posts: 3414
ja kannst zumindest mal auslesen welche agp/pci frequenz dein mobo bei 230 ausspuckt! bzw obs bei dir funkt mit 1/7 teiler!


im Weihnachtsstress
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Vienna
Posts: 1067
Werd ich morgen machen,heute kümmer ich mich drum das mein Netzwerk/Internet System wieder funkt


Registered: Aug 2002
Location: vienna
Posts: 3414
Thanks guys

I found a nice issue with the board now too. It just wont set the FSB above 260MHz. The bios goes to 300FSB but setting FSB to 261 or 262 only gives 260MHz. If a BIOS update wont fix this its TurboPLL time soon again =)

Also its possible that the K8V mobo has more than just 1/6 divider for PCI/AGP. Atleast the datasheet of the ICS950403 clockgen (the mobo has 950405 but couldn't find that from ics) says it has 1/8 and 1/7 too. This would explain why I can run my R9800 at 260FSB (with 1/6 divider that would mean 86.6MHz AGP, which is known to be very difficult if not impossible for R9x00 cards).

koensa, whos got 38sec superpi? I hit 34 at 2500MHz and at 2600 its almost 33. And BH6 should work like a charm on these - but if the module has SPD info of PC2700 or PC3000 the mobo/CPU wont let you run it at 1:1. It automatically sets it to 5:4 divider even if you set it to 1:1 from the BIOS.


OC Addicted
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: USA
Posts: 731
Zitat von plainvanilla
ja kannst zumindest mal auslesen welche agp/pci frequenz dein mobo bei 230 ausspuckt! bzw obs bei dir funkt mit 1/7 teiler!

Auslesen? Wie soll ich das auslesen wenn es sofort nen hard reset macht sobald ich hochtakte...


OC Addicted
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: USA
Posts: 731
Zitat von plainvanilla
Thanks guys

I found a nice issue with the board now too. It just wont set the FSB above 260MHz. The bios goes to 300FSB but setting FSB to 261 or 262 only gives 260MHz. If a BIOS update wont fix this its TurboPLL time soon again =)

Also its possible that the K8V mobo has more than just 1/6 divider for PCI/AGP. Atleast the datasheet of the ICS950403 clockgen (the mobo has 950405 but couldn't find that from ics) says it has 1/8 and 1/7 too. This would explain why I can run my R9800 at 260FSB (with 1/6 divider that would mean 86.6MHz AGP, which is known to be very difficult if not impossible for R9x00 cards).

koensa, whos got 38sec superpi? I hit 34 at 2500MHz and at 2600 its almost 33. And BH6 should work like a charm on these - but if the module has SPD info of PC2700 or PC3000 the mobo/CPU wont let you run it at 1:1. It automatically sets it to 5:4 divider even if you set it to 1:1 from the BIOS.

Der Ärmste... er kriegt den FSB nicht über 260 :bash: Is ja schön für ihn, dass er hochtakten kann, aber warum geht's hier nicht :(


© Natural Ignorance (NI)
Registered: Jul 2002
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@Aiwa: ich hab schon 2 PMs geschickt, damit ich hier nicht rumspam aber du antwortest ja nicht, also frage ich hier:

mit welchem handy sind die pics gemacht?

trotzdem was @ topic: nice work ;) das pickerl mit dem hörschutz triffts, glaub ich, nur annähernd :D




Registered: Aug 2002
Location: vienna
Posts: 3414
Zitat von Aiwa
Auslesen? Wie soll ich das auslesen wenn es sofort nen hard reset macht sobald ich hochtakte...

meinte auch domo, er sagt er kommt bis 2300, also wärs interessant wie es sich bei ihm verhält! hat er andere teiler, etc.....
wenn, dann müsste er eh den multi runterstellen


OC Addicted
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: USA
Posts: 731
Brainy: Ich les die PMs eher selten, sorry. Die Pics sind mit nem Nokie 3650 gemacht.

Also ich hab nen tollen Link gefunden:


The K8V uses different dividers for agp/pci at various fsb. After reading several threads where people have high OC's on the Asus K8V mb (Including Macci) and being able to bench 3Dmark, the mb's have to be implementing an AGP/PCI divider based on FSB.

This is silk screened on the K8V for a missing dip switch, and it must be implemented in bios for agp/pci bus.

OFF OFF OFF OFF 200.0 66.80 33.40
ON ON OFF ON 210.0 70.00 35.00
ON OFF ON OFF 233.33 66.67 33.33
ON OFF OFF ON 266.67 66.67 33.33
ON OFF OFF OFF 300.00 75.00 37.50

Was zur Hölle heisst das?!

Achja... und das hier findet man auch öfter:

So far, the new Athlon64 platform does not appear to be the greatest playground for overclocking - the K8V is no exception either. Part of this certainly relates to the timing sensitivity of the integrated memory controller, keep in mind that the controller, in fact, is running 20 times as fast as a standard memory controller on the chipset level. We were able to keep the system running at 215 MHz external CPU clock but that was about as high as we could get. At 220 MHz, the system would not even POST. There have been discussions that lowering the hypertransport frequency might provide a backdoor to improved overclocking, we were not able to verify this as there was no noticeable difference in workable frequencies, regardless of the HT frequencies selected.

Also bin ich nicht der einzige der die 215 MHz Barriere entdeckt hat. Wieso aber Typen wie dieser "macci" mit demselben Board auf 260 MHz hochclocken können ist mir nach wie vor ein Rätsel.


Registered: Aug 2002
Location: vienna
Posts: 3414
hast einen switch am board gefunden?
The K8V uses different dividers for agp/pci at various fsb. After reading several threads where people have high OC's on the Asus K8V mb (Including Macci) and being able to bench 3Dmark, the mb's have to be implementing an AGP/PCI divider based on FSB.

This is silk screened on the K8V for a missing dip switch, and it must be implemented in bios for agp/pci bus.

OFF OFF OFF OFF 200.0 66.80 33.40
ON ON OFF ON 210.0 70.00 35.00
ON OFF ON OFF 233.33 66.67 33.33
ON OFF OFF ON 266.67 66.67 33.33
ON OFF OFF OFF 300.00 75.00 37.50

"This is silk screened on the K8V for a missing dip switch, and it must be implemented in bios for agp/pci bus."

das is mir net klar, der rest zeigt die stellung eines switches an!
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