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92mm Lüfter-Vergleich

TOM 13.02.2007 - 17:23 1419 0


Oldschool OC.at'ler
Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Vienna
Posts: 7420
"...A quiet computer starts with quiet fans. As the primary source of noise in most computers, we've subjected a lot of fans to our scrutiny over the years. However, most of them have been examined in the context of a larger product, typically a heatsink or a case. It's only recently that we've started looking at fans in their own right. Thus far, we've reviewed a dozen 80mm fans plus six more 120mm fans, putting a small dent in the huge pile of fans we have waiting for us as part of the Calling All Good Fans project.

Now, it's time at last to check out some 92mm fans. 92mm fans are not as common as 80mm or 120mm fans, and they are most commonly found on heatsinks, not cases. Keep this in mind while you read; if you're looking for a heatsink fan, remember that heatsink fans are usually subject to tougher thermal conditions and more frequent speed changes than other fans..."
Im Test:
  • Nexus Real Silent Case Fan DF1209SL-3
  • Fander FX92-W
  • Pure Silence JF0925S1ES
  • Acoustifan AF92CT
  • Coolink X9 Series
  • Noiseblocker Ultra Silent Fan SE2 and Black Silent Fan XE1
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