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Stats: August 2019

mat 01.09.2019 - 21:09 2906 0


Legends never die
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: nö
Posts: 25564

Top Poster:

UserPostsOntopicOfftopic% OfftopicChars
Viper780 209 144 65 31.1 72960
xtrm 115 66 49 42.61 40844
rad1oactive 111 55 56 50.45 20289
WONDERMIKE 106 36 70 66.04 51443
oxid1zer 89 35 54 60.67 19521
Dune- 85 50 35 41.18 38995
InfiX 83 63 20 24.1 26478
Smut 82 54 28 34.15 24682
ccr 82 32 50 60.98 40129
davebastard 82 49 33 40.24 16250
Bender 80 25 55 68.75 19693
lagwagon 76 43 33 43.42 32670
charmin 74 51 23 31.08 13660
wergor 71 30 41 57.75 19473
22zaphod22 67 24 43 64.18 39199
Earthshaker 62 37 25 40.32 13964
semteX 61 20 41 67.21 16575
blood 58 21 37 63.79 16566
BiG_WEaSeL 55 37 18 32.73 12448
Hubman 52 5 47 90.38 21941
Obermotz 51 31 20 39.22 14123
daisho 49 40 9 18.37 33276
XeroXs 46 33 13 28.26 11307
quilty 43 9 34 79.07 13593
pirate man 41 12 29 70.73 13568
Umlüx 41 29 12 29.27 10117
sk/\r 40 8 32 80 8267
mr.nice. 39 30 9 23.08 11790
Dreamforcer 36 13 23 63.89 16260
dolby 36 9 27 75 17247
~PI-IOENIX~ 34 6 28 82.35 8149
der~erl 34 13 21 61.76 9931
Garbage 33 30 3 9.09 12445
Gentleman 33 19 14 42.42 5476
Ovaron 30 10 20 66.67 6243
hachigatsu 30 11 19 63.33 21598
Hampti 29 7 22 75.86 4962
shad 28 17 11 39.29 5196
D-Man 28 15 13 46.43 7552
böhmi 28 17 11 39.29 6254
chinchin 28 18 10 35.71 12891
roscoe 27 11 16 59.26 6726
Joe_the_tulip 27 19 8 29.63 13303
ENIAC 26 9 17 65.38 7968
quake 25 13 12 48 5920
Blaues U-boot 25 23 2 8 17513
Lord Wyrm 24 16 8 33.33 9426
Hokum 24 1 23 95.83 9432
mat 23 16 7 30.43 39955
Roman 22 12 10 45.45 12115

Top Threadstarter:

UserThreadsRepliesOntopicOfftopic% Offtopic
Hokum 6 7 0 6 100
quilty 6 5 0 6 100
WONDERMIKE 5 5 0 5 100
mat 5 17 5 0 0
enjoy 4 25 4 0 0
22zaphod22 4 10 1 3 75
Earthshaker 4 19 4 0 0
Dune- 4 36 3 1 25
Gentleman 3 26 2 1 33.33
Smut 3 6 3 0 0
wergor 3 31 1 2 66.67
oxid1zer 3 5 2 1 33.33
jet2sp@ce 2 27 2 0 0
Umlüx 2 6 2 0 0
Bogus 2 8 0 2 100
belonzuma 2 0 2 0 0
DaVe dA RiPPA 2 5 0 2 100
PIMP 2 3 0 2 100
Tosca 2 18 0 2 100
Lord Wyrm 2 18 2 0 0
Ovaron 2 5 0 2 100
böhmi 2 16 2 0 0
vb3rzm 2 5 0 2 100
blood 2 14 0 2 100
archol 2 20 2 0 0
mani_portable 2 6 2 0 0
nicolas conte 2 10 1 1 50
Roliskywalker 2 3 0 2 100
absolutezero 2 27 2 0 0
pirate man 2 4 1 1 50
crumb 2 12 0 2 100
Athlon1 2 35 2 0 0
grond 2 13 0 2 100
lagwagon 2 9 1 1 50
roscoe 2 7 1 1 50
nfin1te 1 2 0 1 100
han 1 0 0 1 100
Ronnie 1 11 0 1 100
Error404 1 19 0 1 100
moonie 1 19 1 0 0
Schlecht 1 8 1 0 0
fresserettich 1 10 1 0 0
davebastard 1 8 1 0 0
__Luki__ 1 0 0 1 100
master_burn 1 2 0 1 100
Dadi 1 17 1 0 0
t3mp 1 1 0 1 100
master blue 1 0 0 1 100
e-Lummi-N@tor 1 0 0 1 100
mike9020 1 0 0 1 100

Top Link Poster:

using the Post-A-Link-Feature

UserPosted Links
oxid1zer 26
quilty 13
wergor 9
blood 8
Smut 8
Hokum 7
Earthshaker 7
22zaphod22 6
Mr. Zet 6
mat 5
D-Man 5
p1perAT 5
Dreamforcer 4
Diego 4
InfiX 4
Obermotz 4
enjoy 4
lagwagon 4
Viper780 4
Ovaron 3
Oxygen 3
Umlüx 3
Garbage 3
Römi 3
mani_portable 3
shad 3
Lord Wyrm 3
Rogaahl 2
fliza23 2
BiG_WEaSeL 2
sichNix 2
ill 2
charmin 2
SergejMolotow 2
jet2sp@ce 1
mascara 1
ccr 1
rad1oactive 1
prronto 1
creative2k 1
Maestro 1
t3mp 1
kleinerChemiker 1
crumb 1
bsox 1
master blue 1

Top Threads:

Thread0wnerViewsReplies (this month)
Mass Shootings ENIAC 4381 72
Ausweis in der Eu ? Dreamforcer 3667 84
Reifenplatzer dolby 1926 50
REQ: ECC Hotel Server Deejay2k1 1609 39
Zeitreise!? Athlon1 1436 28
„The Matrix 4“: Neuer Film, (fast) alle dabei: Reeves, Wachowski, Moss prronto 1328 30
Intel Comet Lake-S: LGA 1200, 10-Kerner und 400er-Chipsatz mat 1289 11
Nationalratswahl 2019 (Umfragethread) Tosca 1241 18
Grafikkarten upgrade für altes Sys mit core i5 3570K und Z77 Chipsatz? Ringi 1142 26
Suche Gehäuse/Lösung für mind. 6 Front-HDD Einschube xtrm 1047 18

Forum 0wner:

Apple XeroXs 10
Applications, Apps & Drivers Pedroso 4
Wiederauferstandenes, namenloses Forum - 0
Benzinbrüder ccr 12
Coding Stuff Bunny 11
Community Hub Viper780 15
Cooling NiL_FisK|Urd 2
Danger! High Voltage! Visitor 1
Desktops InfiX 22
DIY/SoC - 0
Geek Cuisine TitusTheFox 12
Gehäuse xtrm 8
Grafikkarten Blaues U-boot 13
Home Theater Viper780 16
Internet & Provider Viper780 10
Konsolen crumb 3
Laptops wergor 5
Lichtspieltheater oxid1zer 40
Linux and other OS daisho 3
Mainboards VenetianSnares 5
Members Only Viper780 11
Monitore jet2sp@ce 5
Netzwerktechnik daisho 9
Number Crunching mr.nice. 6
Offtopic Viper780 31
Overclocking Team - 0
Pixelfreaks Viper780 48
Prozessoren Oxygen 17
Science Athlon1 5
Shops & Shopping chinchin 8
Smartphones & Tablets Earthshaker 15
Sonstige Peripherie XeroXs 11
Spiele oxid1zer 24
Sport & Fitness der~erl 16
Storage & Memory lukass2000 7
Suche/Biete/Tausche Viper780 12
User Feedbacks 22zaphod22 1
Vapers Lounge lagwagon 1
Windows Rogaahl 4
World Events & Politics WONDERMIKE 26

Top Attachments in news and articles:

AttachmentNews/ArticleViewsUploaded by
intel-10th-generation_239745.png Intel Comet Lake-S: LGA 1200, 10-Kerner und 400er-Chipsatz 14013 mat
comet-lake-s-cpus-allegedly-command-new-lga-1200-socket-and-400-series-chipset_1_239743.jpg Intel Comet Lake-S: LGA 1200, 10-Kerner und 400er-Chipsatz 171 mat
intel-comet-lake-lga-1159-1200-news-again-1_239746.png Intel Comet Lake-S: LGA 1200, 10-Kerner und 400er-Chipsatz 169 mat
intel-comet-lake-lga-1159-1200-news-again-2_239747.png Intel Comet Lake-S: LGA 1200, 10-Kerner und 400er-Chipsatz 168 mat
benchmate1_239470.jpg BenchMate - Beta-Tester gesucht! 0 Goldlocke
benchmate-a-benchmark-verification-software_1_239751.png BenchMate - Beta-Tester gesucht! 0 mat

Top Attachments in forum threads:

AttachmentThreadViewsUploaded by
unbenannt_239471.jpg Verkauf auf Willhaben - eure Meinung dazu 928 lagwagon
nothing_to_see_here_239498.jpeg Hitzetod 794 semteX
wpah_239776.gif Zeitreise!? 726 dosen
unbenannt_239601.jpg Grille(-r/-en) 650 Probmaker
antrag_239565.jpg Ausweis in der Eu ? 585 Dreamforcer
tbbt_back2future_239777.jpg Zeitreise!? 581 ENIAC
bestdriver_239710.png Windows 10 550 InfiX
bildschirmfoto-2019-08-26-um-18-49-23_239775.png Hitzetod 527 nitschi
wahlkabine_239687.jpg Vorgezogene Nationalratswahlen 2019 510 WONDERMIKE
img_20190817_152807_239637.jpg Smartwatches 480 charmin


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