Spire Pininfarina
JC 07.09.2006 - 15:24 1217 1
Review @ Hi-Tech ReviewsI absolutely love this case and as hard as I tried to come up with something I could complain about I could not think of a single thing. Now someone may say the case is to heavy to be used for LAN parties, but you have to remember that reviews are subjective and I am expressing only my opinion of the product so yours very well may be different than mine. Since I don't attend LAN parties this is not a problem for me.
I do appreciate well thought out cases that have more than enough room to work in and you have to admit with the butterfly fold down side-panel doors how could you not have enough room. I am also a sucker for crisp clean lines on a case and the Spire Pininfarina has them in spades.
boo hoo wendy
Pininfarina sollte doch bei den Autos bleiben und sich nicht an PC-Gehäusen versuchen imho, sehr hässliches Case^^