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Skyhawk MSR 4610 Alu-Miditower

Redphex 02.06.2002 - 15:31 908 1


Registered: Mar 2000
Location: Macrodata Refine..
Posts: 11815
People these days care a lot about proper air circulation in a case because they know it could pose better stability and prolong the life of the hardware within the case. If you are thinking about upgrading your current box to an aluminum case now is a great time. Since this aluminum case is very light weight, it is very easy to transport therefore perfect for LANS. I forgot to mention that this case has 4 little plastic feet on the bottom which is a nice addition to any case. This case has five case fans circulating air throughout the entire case. The two 120mm fans on the side panel help cool the CPU while the other blows air across the video card. The front panel of the case has a bunch of useful ports for extremely convenient access for hooking up all your peripherals.


wheel it baby
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: Vienna
Posts: 730
hm... auch nicht schlecht :) ... trau mich aber gar nicht auf next gehn wo sicher der preis steht!

hab mich doch getraut!
Price: $139.99

a big wär schon interressanter :)
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