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JC 13.07.2007 - 10:22 1626 2


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
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Review @ Benchmark Reviews
The HUSH isn't all function and no fashion. NZXT took the time to give the HUSH a solid front bezel and gloss black aluminum panels. There isn't a window since the sound dampening efforts would be wasted, but nobody wants to look at foam and steel anyway. It turns out that the HUST carries its own in terms of appearance, and the wow factor is saved for functionality.

With a SECC construction the HUST is solid and strong. Thankfully a plastic bezel and aluminum panels help to lighten the load, which actually makes the case surprisingly lighter than expected. Fully-covered interior panels have sound dampening foam to ensure noise is kept to a minimum, and extra efforts such as the backside of the front bezel receiving the same treatment only ensure that HUSH means keep quiet.

So was it silent? You better believe it. With proper planning, a system builder could easily design a perfectly silent case with no audible noise. Just choose power supplies like the Thermaltake Toughpower W0133RU 1200W which uses a silent 140mm cooling fan and perhaps a silent running 120mm fan to sit atop a Thermalright SI-128 CPU Cooler and you will have nothing to distract you when quite time matters most.


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: new
Posts: 8881
mhh, sieht ja stylisch aus. nur die angepriesenen dämmmatten sehen reichlich dünn aus, auch wenn sie gut und reichlich platziert sind. aber um den preis sicher kein fehlkauf, das screwless design sieht auch gut aus.


takeover & ether
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: VIE
Posts: 16867
sieht gar nicht so schlecht aus im detail.
8800GTX passt auch rein :p
etwas bessere kühlung ist halt vorausgesätzt - aber das triftt auf jedes gedämmte gehäuse zu. preislich ists auch auf jeden fall interessant.
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