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Caffeine Machine

HVG 01.10.2002 - 14:34 525 1


Registered: Jun 2000
Location: NÖ
Posts: 5983

With more and more people buying computer cases with windows, cold cathodes, bay buses, even custom paint jobs, the truly hardcore case modders are quickly finding themselves having to search harder and harder for an original case mod. Everyone has done black cases with blue lights. Everyone has installed case windows, cut blowholes, and maybe even installed a baybus. The modding community needs fresh, new ideas, and I believe I may have one.

This idea came me one day when I realized 1) I drink a lot of coffee and 2) I spend a lot of time at the computer. I'd already gone through several coffee pots when it suddenly struck me: why not integrate a coffee maker into a computer case and get the best of both worlds? Thus began the search for The Caffeine Machine.

:cool: :D

no ärga is aba des:
Q: What's next?
A: I'm thinking of developing The Caffiene Machine v2.0. Expect to find espresso, aluminum construction, and other sources of caffeine besides coffee (think: Mountain Dew dispenser/crushed NoDoz InstaCrack).

:eek: :eek:


Alte Schule
Registered: Jul 2002
Posts: 970
gibts seit juni! :)

Also schön alt!

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