"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

SiSoft Sandra-Benchmark

Matrix 19.01.2001 - 19:01 467 2


Big d00d
Registered: Aug 2000
Location: Österreich
Posts: 145
Also mich würd interessieren was ihr für welche werte bei dem SiSoft 2001 habt:
Mein System:
Duron 750@1000 MHz
256MB 133Ram CL2
IBM 20GB UDMA/66 7200RPM
Elsa Erazor X
Meine Werte:
CPU:ALU 2815
FPU 1383
CPU Multi-Media:Integer 5622
Floatingp. 6840
Memory: ALU 456
FPU 553

Bitte Postet eure Werte!!!!!
Grüße MaTriX


2 l33t 4 u
Registered: Sep 2000
Location: 1110 Wien
Posts: 1718
Sandra 2001:

CPU: Dhrystone ALU ………….…….2780 MIPS

Whetstone FPU …………..……1340 MFLOPS


Int ALU/RAM Bandwidth ..........586 MB/s (133 @ 150 MHz) Infineon Rulez

Float FPU/RAM Bandwidth……648 MB/s (133 @ 150 MHz)

HD : 23000 Punkte


OC Addicted
Registered: Sep 2000
Location: Vienna
Posts: 7627
Dhrystone ALU: 3271 MIPS
Whetstone FPU: 1607 MFLOPS

Integer MMX Enh: 6531 it/s
Floating-Point 3DNow! Enh: 7962 it/s

Int ALU/RAM Bandwith: 525 MB/s
Float FPU/RAM Bandwith 600 MB/s

Drive Index: 17265

AMD Duron800@1177MHz
Abit KT7
Mushkin Rev.2 SDRAM
WD205BA Festplatte

mfg, @Hermander!
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