Probleme unter WinXp mit "Systemsteuerung>Software"
Little Shorty 07.07.2004 - 21:39 395 1
Little Shorty
Mein Prob. ist das wenn ich in der Systemsteuerung den Button Software anklicke um zu sehen welche Proggies installiert sind kommt jedes mal die Meldung: Value Creation Failed At Line 472 Was hats da??Kann nicht eimal mehr Proggies deinstallieren
Little Shorty
Ok Habs selbst gelöst: This error can occur after installing SP1 when you are running a non Microsoft visual style and the folder containing the customised styleshell.dll has a differing name from the themes name (as shown in the appearances tab). To get rid of this error you can switch back to a Microsoft Theme or go to /WINDOWS/Resources/Themes/<Name of theme in use> and rename the shell folder to the name of the visual style shown in the appearance tab. If you have a theme with multiple variations you must make this change for each subfolder containing a differing styleshell.dll file