skyline01 20.10.2004 - 14:27 671 8
Little Overclocker
ich suche ein programm mit dem man partitionen löschen kann, und das von einer cd bootet!
Back from Banland
Little Overclocker
und wie soll ich das vor windows starten?
bootdisk? -> kannst ja auch ne bootfähige cd erstellen
Back from Banland
bootdisk machn / cd
Here to stay
die windows boot cd bzw das setup kanns
Hoffnungsloser Optimist
z.B. Knoppix und cfdisk
Little Overclocker
woher bekomme ich fdisk bzw. cfdisk?
Vereinsmitglied -------------------------
woher bekomme ich fdisk bzw. cfdisk? Ask Google hth, greets Pedro :edit: ach was ... probiers z.B. -> hier <-und bevor jetzt die Frage nach dem "wie" kommt... Welcome to Bootdisk.Com
The majority of tips, tweaks, files, bootdisks, instructions, utilities, links, patches, updates, and all other information contained on this site are posted for experienced DOS and Windows users. Certain browsers and/or websites that I link to require that you hold down your Shift key when you click on a file you want to download. Most of the bootdisk files are self extracting images of bootable floppies. After you download the image file, insert a fresh floppy in your A: drive and click on the file to make the disk. NT and XP bootdisks often come in sets. You first have to download the set, then most often click on the file to extract the individual images, then click on each image to make each disk in the set. No matter which site you find them at, custom disks have 4 cdrom drivers on them. If the default cd1.sys driver does not find your cdrom then just change config.sys to use cd2.sys etc. Our disks always name your primary cdrom drive letter R: Windows OEM bootdisks load basic tools like format, etc to a ramdrive. Watch the last line it will say "The diagnostic tools were loaded to your drive E:" or similar. Go there to find the tools. Utilities or suggested links in {brackets} on our How To Guides are available for download or viewing from either the HOME or Utilities page. The McAfee anti-virus program may give you a false alarm for some dos utils on the older bootdisks. If you want to be sure check the files with another anti-virus program. Other anti-virus programs may report false positives for the cmos cleaner files. At least 4 times per month I publish a PC Techletter called The BootLIST that addresses some of the most commonly asked Windows and PC hardware issues. For Help and to answer your specific PC questions, use the free forums listed on my Helpdesk Page. Also check it out for some interesting uninstall utilities.
Bearbeitet von Pedro am 20.10.2004, 15:16