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Help !!!!!!

ferdo 31.12.2001 - 15:44 459 2


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Salzburg
Posts: 1259
Also ich hab da n altes game XG2. und des läuft standardmässig auf 640x480. um des zu ändern steht in der read me folgendes :

Changing devices and resolution

* If you have 2 3D devices on your machine Extreme-G 2 will by default use the
first device. If you would rather the game uses the second device, do the following:

- Right click on the Extreme-G 2 shortcut (on the desktop).
- Select properties.
- Click on the shortcut tab.
- Click in area marked 'target'.
- In this window change the text " -d0" to read " -d1".
- Click on OK; Your machine will now use the second device as the default.

NB: This will only work when running the game using the shortcut.

Extreme-G 2 defaults to a 640x480 resolution. To change the default screen resolution
used by the game you can change the -w and -h parameters in the target area (see above)
to another valid resolution for your 3d card.
Note though that some resolutions will not work due to lack of memory
on the card, especially if you have a 4Mb card.


jo hab das aber überhaupt net so hingekriegt ???
wie muss ich das richtig eingeben ?


Registered: May 2001
Location: NÖ Süd
Posts: 845
ich schätz mal so:
spielname.exe -d0 -w800(horizontale auflösung) -h600(vertikale auflösung)


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Salzburg
Posts: 1259
nö so gehts auch net leider !

verdammt ! hat keiner eine ahnung ???

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